Pages: contribute-resource

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NWP Feature Title: Contribute and engage with the UNFCCC Process
NWP-ResourceIndex: 6
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Page Content: If you are a practitioner, a researcher, a policy advisor or maker working in the field of climate change adaptation and resilience, this page provides opportunities for you to engage with the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) and the UNFCCC process as well as share your knowledge and learning through the Adaptation Knowledge Portal (AKP).
A. Share Open Access Knowledge and Learning
Building on the worldwide contributions of policy advisors and makers, practitioners and researchers, the AKP offers informed and credible knowledge as well as high-quality learning for end-users across different sectors.
We are seeking resources to enable informed decisions on practical adaptation actions and measures in response to climate change. These resources need to be based on sound, scientific and technical evidence and can include case studies, methods, tools and other knowledge resources.
To make sure you get the most from being included on the AKP please read our general editorial policy below for guidance on what kind of documents the AKP includes.
Document submission policy 
Origin: The editors add new documents to the AKP from a variety of sources including your submissions.
Copyright and licensing:  Documents included on the AKP must be available online in full text and available free of charge to a public audience. The copyright of the authors and publishers is not affected by inclusion on the AKP.
Format: We prefer to link to documents in PDF format but will include other file types such as Word or HTML.
We invite you to contribute your knowledge resources by using our simple online forms:
1. Case Study: Practical measures/initiatives that are being carried out in different countries and regions of the world to improve climate change adaptation and resilience. Case studies should illustrate progress in enhancing on adaptation by describing outcomes, impacts and learning associated with the measure/initiatives.
>Submit your case study here
2. Tool or Method: Toolkits, methods or decision frameworks that are being developed and/or applied in the context of climate change adaptation and resilience. This can include vulnerability and impact assessments; planning and implementation approaches; monitoring, evaluation and learning tools, etc.
>Submit your tool or method here
3. Knowledge Resources: This can include a website; a scientific or peer reviewed publication; a technical document/report; policy brief and educational/training materials, etc.
 >Submit your knowledge resource here
Help us improve the AKP by sharing your inputs
As the AKP strives to improve relevant resources for our users, we welcome your input on specific ideas on how this can be achieved. Please send your ideas to:
B. Engage with the Ongoing Work of the UNFCCC
The convention is supported by a number of expert groups and constituted bodies. This section offers your organization to engage with ongoing UNFCCC work, including the work of constituted bodies.
The UNFCCC also cooperates with, and is supported by, numerous other international organizations and groups, including scientific bodies, UN agencies and groups. This includes the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Please explore regularly updated opportunities for your engagement:
Adaptation Committee (AC)
Ensuring coherent action towards a climate resilient future
Since it was established in 2010, the Adaptation Committee (AC) has been the United Nation's leading voice on adaptation. The sixteen-member body has offered expert guidance on a range of adaptation topics, helping countries, civil society and businesses to build resilience and adapt to a changing climate.
In implementing its 3-year workplan, the AC builds on contributions from the adaptation community, including NWP partners. Contributing is easy, simply e-mail with your ideas and suggestions or add to the AC's expanding inventory of methodologies, tools and case studies to help assess adaptation needs on the AKP.
The AC's inventory of methodologies to assess adaptation needs features a wide range of tools, case studies and other resources submitted by Parties and key users of these methodologies. The call to Parties and organizations to submit additional methodologies and case studies remains open.
The AC's publication on 25 years of adaptation under the UNFCCC provides a succinct overview of the progress on adaptation planning and action over time.
For more on the work of the AC, please consult its website or contact  
Standing Committee on Finance (SCF)
Finance for nature-based Solutions
The Standing Committee on Finance is gearing towards preparing its next Forum on the topic “Finance for nature-based solutions”. Several studies and papers have highlighted that nature-based solutions for climate change offer an opportunity to protect and restore natural ecosystems, while reducing the risk of adverse effects of climate change and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.
The Committee continues its preparatory work over the coming months to design the programme of the forum, collaborate with expert organizations and practitioners and conduct outreach activities.
For more details of the forum, visit or contact the secretariat at
Lima Work Programme on Gender (LWPG)
Share your work on gender and climate change with the UNFCCC
Following the adoption of the enhanced 5-year Lima Work Programme on Gender (LWPG) and its Gender Action Plan at COP 25, the secretariat would like to know more about your work relating to gender to identify how we can help to amplify your messages, knowledge and lessons learned.
We aim to continue facilitating key connections to drive the uptake of gender-responsive approaches to climate policy and action within and outside of the UNFCCC process.
Find out about the work on gender and the convention, visit the gender webpages and share  and share your work on the gender and the climate change nexus.   
Paris Committee on Capacity Building (PCCB)
Contribute to the capacity-building work under the Convention and the Paris Agreement
Created in 2015, the Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB) addresses current and emerging gaps and needs in implementing and further enhancing capacity-building in developing countries. In implementing its 2021-2024 workplan, the PCCB seeks contributions and support from capacity-building actors and stakeholders around the globe to its activities under its three priority areas: Enhancing coherence and coordination of capacity-building, addressing capacity-building gaps and needs, and awareness-raising, knowledge- and information-sharing and stakeholder engagement.
Submit your inputs
An easy way to contribute is to respond to the PCCB’s regular calls for submissions on different capacity-building related topics, including its annual focus area. Find out more about its ongoing calls for submissions here.
Participate in PCCB meetings and events
Registered Parties and observers to the UNFCCC are invited to attend the annual PCCB meetings. The next meeting (PCCB 5) is tentatively scheduled to take place in June 2021 and information on how to register will be published on the PCCB website in due course.
Interested stakeholders are also invited to join the annual Capacity-building Hubs at the COPs. Get more information on this annual event series and regularly check for updates here. Information on regional level activities of the PCCB that are open to engagement is also updated regularly on its website.
Engagement in the PCCB Network
The PCCB Network is the latest initiative of the PCCB to engage actors involved in climate-related capacity-building and strengthen its ties with relevant bodies under and outside the Convention. Since its launch in early April 2020, the PCCB Network has been joined by over 220 entities and initiatives who believe in the power of collective action.
If you are interested in learning more about the PCCB Network, head to the network's web page or simply reach out to the PCCB Network coordination team:
For more on the work of the PCCB, consult its website or contact
Least Developed Countries Group (LEG)
Ensuring the delivery of National Adaptation Plans
The Least Developed Countries Group (LEG) continues to engage with the least developed countries (LDCs) on advancing National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) through the Open NAP Initiative.
Through the initiative, the LEG is using crowd-sourcing and online platforms to assist the LDCs to overcome bottlenecks and produce their first NAP by the end of 2020, and to develop project proposals to implement the policies, projects and programmes identified contained in the NAPs.
With the NAP promoting a systems approach to addressing climate change, it offers an opportunity for countries to address multiple development objectives, hence seen as an important vehicle to achieving sustainable development and ensuring resilient COVID-19 recovery efforts.
For more information, including how to engage in the Open NAP initiative, please contact:

Created at 07/04/2016 16:46 by Laureline Krichewsky
Last modified at 22/09/2021 10:54 by Inga Moellers
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