Pages: Adaptation-Committee-knowledge-resources

Name: Adaptation-Committee-knowledge-resources.aspx
Title: Adaptation Committee knowledge resources
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Contact: Laureline Krichewsky
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NAP Description: The Adaptation Committee (AC) was established to promote the implementation of enhanced actions on adaptation in a coherent manner under the Convention. Providing technical guidance and support to the Parties, it has generated numerous publications and information products.
NAP Summary:
Page Content: At COP 16, the AC was established as part of the Cancun Adaptation Framework, to be the overall body to the COP on adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change. Its current workplan pursues the objective of contributing to the global goal on adaptation, and to the implementation of the principles guiding adaptation action as defined in the Paris Agreement.
The AC recognizes that collaboration with NWP partner organizations has been instrumental in its work and appreciates the value that the extensive network of adaptation practitioners brings to the process. The AC very much welcomes the NWP’s enhanced mandate, which strengthens its knowledge support role to Parties and relevant bodies and workstreams under the Convention, and frequently draws on the NWP to produce targeted information and case studies.
The AC has generated information products and held meetings and workshops on topics aiming at enhancing the overall coherence of adaptation action, which include:
·         The documentary “Adapting to a changing climate” (video)
·          Adaptation Committee publications in the Adaptation Knowledge Portal database
·         Adaptation Committee workshops and meetings
Further information on the work of the AC can be found here.

Created at 06/04/2016 16:08 by Laureline Krichewsky
Last modified at 09/09/2019 13:05 by David Oehmen
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