Pages: NWP-knowledge-resources

Name: NWP-knowledge-resources.aspx
Title: Nairobi work programme
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Contact: Laureline Krichewsky
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NWP Feature Header: Nairobi work programme
NWP Feature Title: Nairobi work programme
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NAP Description: The UNFCCC knowledge-to-action hub for climate resilience and adaptation.
NAP Summary:
Page Content: The Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation to climate change (NWP) was established at COP 11 (December 2005, in Nairobi) to facilitate and catalyse the development and dissemination of information and knowledge that would inform and support adaptation policies and practices, with a focus on developing countries.
Since then, the NWP has engaged countries and a growing network of partner organizations, experts and other relevant organizations from all fields and world regions in sharing the latest information and knowledge, to bridge knowledge gaps and scale-up action in response to the adaptation knowledge needs identified by the Parties to the UNFCCC and Paris Agreement.
Much of the work of the NWP is available on this website, the Adaptation Knowledge Portal, which is managed and maintained by the NWP. The case studies, tools, methods, and knowledge resources collected can be browsed through the advanced search page of the portal, which also gives access to the reports, synthesis documents and other publications generated under the NWP.
For a snapshot of the main features of the NWP, see the NWP banner.
For more information on the history, mandates, and activities of the NWP, please visit the UNFCCC website.

Created at 06/04/2016 16:03 by Laureline Krichewsky
Last modified at 19/02/2019 17:40 by Laura Kavanaugh
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