MainDB: Training and Capacity Building for the Compliance of ‘Green Protocol’ @Puducherry – Regenerative Agriculture

Title: Training and Capacity Building for the Compliance of ‘Green Protocol’ @Puducherry – Regenerative Agriculture
NWPTypeOfOrganization: Civil society
NWPGeographicRegion: Asia
Scope of work: Assessment; Design of approaches; Data collection and management; Development of strategies; Implementation; Stakeholder engagement; Communication and outreach
NWPMandatesandFrameworks: Mandates: 

Sustainability Integration in educational institutions, industries, residences, and other organizations must integrate sustainability principles into their operational and strategic frameworks. 

Environmental and Climate Education for students and employees to foster a culture of sustainability. 

Compliance with Environmental Standards   

Community Engagement  



Water-Food-Energy-Biodiversity Nexus Framework  

Resource Recovery Framework  

Conservation Framework   

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Framework  

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework 

Stakeholder Engagement Framework 

NWPModalityApproachandMechanism: Modality  

Participatory Approach 


Steering Committee  

Sustainability Offices  

Training and Capacity Building  

Monitoring and Evaluation System  

Partnerships and Collaboration  


NWPRelevantStakeholders: Students from Schools and HEIs 

NWPFocusonNElossesFlag: Attitude change through climate education, training, and capacity building 

Seeds of change for climate adaptation 

Good practices and lessons learned: This initiative aims to empower the next generation with practical knowledge and skills essential for sustainable development, fostering a proactive approach towards environmental stewardship and innovative solutions across various sectors. 

 Asset created for the campus by the students. 

 Moving beyond the classroom. 

Date of submission:
Abbreviation: TCB-CGP-2019
Activities: Activities associated include: 

Training Workshops  

Hands-on Demonstrations  

Capacity Building Programs  

Entrepreneurship Training  

Pilot Projects  

Awareness Campaigns  

Monitoring and Evaluation  

Networking and Collaboration 

Adaptation element: Adaptation planning and practices; Capacity building; Communication and outreach/awareness; Education and training; Impact assessment; Institutional arrangements; Knowledge management; Monitoring and evaluation/M&E; Science and research; Stakeholder involvement; Technology support
Adaptation sector/theme: Agriculture; Water resources; Ecosystems; Biodiversity; Coastal areas/zones; Health; Ecosystem-based adaptation; Community-based adaptation; Disaster risk reduction; Indigenous and traditional knowledge; Urban resilience; Tourism
Climate hazard: Desertification; Drought; Floods; Increasing temperatures; Land and forest degradation; Loss of biodiversity; Ocean acidification; Salinization; Vector and water-borne diseases; Wildfire
Description: ‘Training and Capacity Building for the Compliance of “Green Protocol” @ Puducherry’, was provided to the Post Graduate Students of Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France along with the students& researchers of Pondicherry University (Central University) & Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (Central School). In this program activities, special preference was given to water-food-energy-biodiversity nexus, resource recovery, conservation, and entrepreneurship (startups & green business ideas) – encompassing ‘regenerative agriculture’. ‘Regenerative Agriculture’ is an integrated soil conservation approach primarily focusing on the topsoil regeneration by re-establishing the ecology of soil biodiversity, thereby increasing the readily available plant nutrients and water-holding capacity, and strengthening the water cycle, ecosystem services, complex food chain, and bio-sequestration, ultimately forming the base for resilience to climate change. The purpose of this training and capacity building was to provide a roadmap with background and a broad conceptual framework to plan and implement ‘green campus’ strategies for sustainability and/or to kick start similar strategies in Universities/Colleges/Schools across the globe, for the compliance of ‘Green Protocol’.
Expected outcome: The ‘COMPREHENSIVE GREEN PROTOCOL for Educational Institutions, Industries, Residences & Other Organizations’ has been finalized. Postgraduate students and school children received immersive hands-on training and capacity-building sessions, emphasizing the critical aspects of the water-food-energy-biodiversity nexus, resource recovery, conservation, and the promotion of entrepreneurship, including startups and green business ideas. 

This initiative aims to empower the next generation with practical knowledge and skills essential for sustainable development, fostering a proactive approach towards environmental stewardship and innovative solutions across various sectors 

Further information: The compliance indicators will help gauge the effectiveness and success of the protocol in achieving its goals across different sectors and target groups. 

NWPGeographicScope: Local
Indicators of achievement: The indicators of achievements for the ‘COMPREHENSIVE GREEN PROTOCOL': 

Increased Awareness and Adoption  

Implementation Rates  

Resource Efficiency  

Innovation and Entrepreneurship  

Educational Impact  

Community Engagement. 

Long-term Sustainability  

NWPInformationType: Knowledge Resource
NWPJoinDate: 02/07/2024
NWPPartner: Association for Promoting Sustainability in Campuses and Communities
Purpose: The purpose of this training and capacity building was to provide a roadmap with background and a broad conceptual framework to plan and implement ‘green campus’ strategies for sustainability and/or to kick start similar strategies in Universities/Colleges/Schools across the globe, for the compliance of ‘Green Protocol’ 

Regional group: Least Developed Countries
Target group: Academics and scientists; Communities
NWPWorkStream: NWP
NWPYear: 2,020
NWPOutcome: Training Programs Completed   

Resource Efficiency Improvements  

Pilot Projects Implemented  

Green Startups and Business Ideas Launched  

Educational Materials Produced   

Performance Reports  

Partnerships and Collaborations Established  

Recognition and Awards  

Improved Environmental Metrics  

Type of knowledge resource:
Scale of work:
Implementing partners:
NWPYearPublication: 2020
SourceItemID: 2542
NWPTypeOfKnowledge: Educational/training material
NWPRelevantWeblinks:;#Capacity Building Case Study

Created at 02/07/2024 18:30 by crmmocservices
Last modified at 02/07/2024 18:30 by crmmocservices
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