MainDB: Comprehensive Green Protocol- for the Educational Institutions, Industries, Residences and Other Organizations of the Union Territory of Puducherry’

Title: Comprehensive Green Protocol- for the Educational Institutions, Industries, Residences and Other Organizations of the Union Territory of Puducherry’
NWPTypeOfOrganization: Civil society
NWPGeographicRegion: Asia
Scope of work: Data collection and management; Development of strategies; Stakeholder engagement; Communication and outreach
NWPMandatesandFrameworks: Promote Sustainable Development 

Implement Effective Conservation Techniques  

Support Global Environmental Goals  

Monitor and Measure Progress 

NWPModalityApproachandMechanism: By adopting and rigorously implementing the Comprehensive Green Protocol, significant strides can be made towards environmental sustainability, ensuring a healthier planet for future generations. 

Implementation and Measurement includes:  


Capacity Building 

Data Collection 



NWPRelevantStakeholders: local authorities 

members of university administrations 

teaching staff 

research staff 

research scholars 

student groups 

project officers and consultants 

sustainability leaders from governments, industries 


other stakeholders relevant to the field 

NWPFocusonNElossesFlag: Increased resilience of communities and ecosystems to environmental challenges. 

Good practices and lessons learned: Use of data-driven approaches to adjust and refine protocols for continuous improvement. 

Long-Term Impact 

Contribution to global efforts in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. 

Date of submission:
Abbreviation: CGP-2018
Activities: Baseline mapping 


Data generation 

Documentation and dissemination 

Adaptation element: Adaptation planning and practices; Capacity building; Communication and outreach/awareness; Education and training; Institutional arrangements; Knowledge management; Monitoring and evaluation/M&E; Science and research; Stakeholder involvement
Adaptation sector/theme: Agriculture; Food security; Water resources; Ecosystems; Biodiversity; Coastal areas/zones; Ecosystem-based adaptation; Community-based adaptation; Disaster risk reduction; Energy; Human settlements; Indigenous and traditional knowledge; Urban resilience; Tourism
Climate hazard: Desertification; Floods; Increasing temperatures; Land and forest degradation; Loss of biodiversity; Ocean acidification; Salinization; Vector and water-borne diseases; Wildfire
Country: India
Description: To overcome the ever-increasing shortage of natural resources and unsustainable waste management practices, a ‘comprehensive green protocol’ was required. In view of this, a consortium of experts and dignitaries from the partnering organizations (DSTE, PPCC, PU, and APSCC) had joined hands to conduct the “State-Level Awareness Program on Sustainable Waste Management – 2017-18”, a 30-day program conducted across all four districts of the Union Territory of Puducherry. The collective knowledge gathered from the program has resulted in the creation of the ‘Comprehensive Green Protocol’ as a guide for Universities, Colleges, Schools, Industries, Tourism Sector, Hotels, Hospitals, and other organizations to carry forward the stated missions of the program. The protocol is expected to serve as a tool and guide to all stakeholders to commit to Environmental Responsibility and Sustainable Development. thereby creating a healthy environment for the campuses and communities at large.
Expected outcome: Reduction in water pollution and safeguarding of aquatic ecosystems. 

Improved soil health and fertility through sustainable farming practices. 

Enhanced food security and resilience of agricultural systems to climate change. 

Reduction in air pollution levels and improvement in air quality. 

Increased use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and biomass. 

Enhanced recycling and waste management practices. 

Reduction in the generation of waste and promotion of circular economy principles. 

Protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems. 

Further information: Principles for the green protocol were adopted partially from UN Conference on Environment and Development called the Rio Declaration (1992) and Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2030). The Comprehensive Green Protocol (GCP) even includes a guide to implement and measure the result through factual means. The protocol was grouped under different heads such as Water Management; Soil Conservation and Sustainable Food Production; Clean Air; Energy Conservation; Sustainable Management of Waste Resources; and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources among Others. 

NWPGeographicScope: Local
Indicators of achievement: Water Consumption Efficiency 

Soil Organic Matter Increase 

Decreased GHG 

Landfill Diversion 

Green Job Development 

NWPInformationType: Knowledge Resource
NWPJoinDate: 02/07/2024
NWPPartner: Association for Promoting Sustainability in Campuses and Communities
Purpose: A protocol to guide for Universities, Colleges, Schools, Industries, the Tourism Sector, Hotels, Hospitals, and other organizations to carry forward the stated missions of the program. 

Regional group: Least Developed Countries
Target group: Academics and scientists; Communities; Policy makers
NWPWorkStream: NWP
NWPYear: 2,018
NWPOutcome: Increased water reuse and recycling. 

Growth in organic farming 

Increased green spaces 

Increased renewable energy use 

Higher recycling rates 

Biodiversity protection 

Job creation 

Revenue generation 

Type of knowledge resource:
Scale of work:
Implementing partners:
NWPYearPublication: 2018
SourceItemID: 2541
NWPTypeOfKnowledge: Educational/training material
NWPRelevantWeblinks:;#Protocol Document

Created at 02/07/2024 18:30 by crmmocservices
Last modified at 02/07/2024 18:30 by crmmocservices
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