MainDB: Policy Brief: Adapting Coastal Cities and Territories to Sea Level Rise

Title: Policy Brief: Adapting Coastal Cities and Territories to Sea Level Rise

NWPTypeOfOrganization: Civil society
NWPGeographicRegion: Europe
Scope of work: Assessment
NWPMandatesandFrameworks: The Policy Brief provides a brief overview of the key challenges and levers to adapt coastal cities and regions to sea level rise, addressing key topics such as knowledge production and uptake, governance, finance, geographic and temporal scales of planning. Frameworks include (1) integrated approach through local partnerships, participation and territorial cohesion (2) dynamic and hybrid strategies.

NWPRelevantStakeholders: All stakeholders involved in the adaptation of coastal territories including policymakers, researchers, representatives of civil society (NGOs, CSOs, local and indigenous communities) and the private sector, financial institutions and international donors.

Good practices and lessons learned:
Date of submission:
Adaptation element: Adaptation planning and practices; Capacity building; Climate observations; Climate scenarios; Communication and outreach/awareness; Education and training; Financial support; Impact assessment; Institutional arrangements; Knowledge management; Monitoring and evaluation/M&E; Science and research; Socio-economic data and information; Stakeholder involvement; Technology support; Vulnerability assessment
Adaptation sector/theme: Coastal areas/zones; Ecosystem-based adaptation; Community-based adaptation; Infrastructure; Human settlements; Urban resilience; Services
Climate hazard: Floods; Sea level rise; Storm surges
NWPDataSource: Primary data collected through Inputs from experts and practitioners collected at the Ocean & Climate Conference (Ocean & Climate Platform) “Adapting coastal cities and territories to rising sea levels” (13 April 2021) and secondary data from 13 reference
Description: The policy brief delves into the challenges confronted by stakeholders responsible for adaptation, emphasizing the prerequisites for a sustainable transformation of coastal cities and territories. While a lack of scientific knowledge, political and financial resources, or cognitive biases can delay or hinder action, a consultative, dynamic, hybrid, and inclusive approach can facilitate the design of tailored and sustainable solutions, ultimately enhancing the resilience of coastal areas.
Expected outcome: Raise awareness of decision-makers and inform future adaptation strategies.

Further information: About the Sea'ties initiative:
NWPGeographicScope: Global; Local; National; Regional; Subregional; Transboundary
Indicators of achievement:
NWPInformationType: Knowledge Resource
NWPJoinDate: 25/06/2024
NWPPartner: Ocean & Climate Platform
Purpose: Provide a brief overview of key obstacles, levers and options of adaptation for coastal cities confronted with sea level rise.

Regional group:
Target group: Academics and scientists; Policy makers; Practitioners
NWPWorkStream: NWP
NWPOutcome: Increased awareness, capacity building through experience sharing and policy influence at local and international levels through the mobilisation of stakeholders and elected officials.

Type of knowledge resource:
Scale of work:
Implementing partners:
NWPYearPublication: 2020
SourceItemID: 2532
NWPTypeOfKnowledge: Policy brief
NWPRelevantWeblinks:;#The policy brief delves into the challenges confronted by stakeholders responsible for adaptation, emphasizing the prerequisites for a sustainable transformation of coastal cities and territories. While a lack of scientific knowledge, political and financial resources, or cognitive biases can delay or hinder action, a consultative, dynamic, hybrid, and inclusive approach can facilitate the design of tailored and sustainable solutions, ultimately enhancing the resilience of coastal areas.

Created at 25/06/2024 16:30 by crmmocservices
Last modified at 25/06/2024 16:30 by crmmocservices
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