MainDB: Scientific Synthesis: "Designing Coastal Adaptation Strategies to Tackle Sea Level Rise"

Title: Scientific Synthesis: "Designing Coastal Adaptation Strategies to Tackle Sea Level Rise"

NWPTypeOfOrganization: Civil society
Scope of work: Assessment
NWPMandatesandFrameworks: Focusing on coastal adaptation to address sea level rise, the publication’s mandate include: the provision of a synthesis of scientific literature and an in-depth analysis of four archetypes of adaptation according to their governance modalities and degree of implementation complexity. The frameworks to address sea level rise include (1) hybrid approach and adaptation pathways (2) locally-based and driven strategies (3) social engagement (4) holistic and integrated science and governance.

NWPRelevantStakeholders: All stakeholders involved in the adaptation of coastal territories including policymakers, researchers, representatives of civil society (NGOs, CSOs, local and indigenous communities) and the private sector, financial institutions and international donors.

Good practices and lessons learned:
Date of submission:
Adaptation element: Adaptation planning and practices; Capacity building; Climate observations; Climate scenarios; Communication and outreach/awareness; Education and training; Impact assessment; Institutional arrangements; Knowledge management; Monitoring and evaluation/M&E; Science and research; Socio-economic data and information; Stakeholder involvement; Vulnerability assessment
Adaptation sector/theme: Ecosystems; Coastal areas/zones; Community-based adaptation; Infrastructure; Human settlements; Urban resilience; Services
Climate hazard: Floods; Sea level rise; Storm surges
NWPDataSource: Secondary data from over 118 references, including scientific literature and policy reports.
Description: Faced with sea level rise and the intensification of extreme events, human populations living on the coasts are developing responses to address local situations. A synthesis of the literature on responses to coastal adaptation allows us to highlight different adaptation strategies. Here, we analyze these strategies according to the complexity of their implementation, both institutionally and technically. First, we distinguish two opposing paradigms – fighting against rising sea levels or adapting to new climatic conditions; and second, we observe the level of integrated management of the strategies. This typology allows a distinction between four archetypes with the most commonly associated governance modalities for each. We then underline the need for hybrid approaches and adaptation trajectories over time to take into account local socio-cultural, geographical, and climatic conditions as well as to integrate stakeholders in the design and implementation of responses. We show that dynamic and participatory policies can foster collective learning processes and enable the evolution of social values and behaviors. Finally, adaptation policies rely on knowledge and participatory engagement, multi-scalar governance, policy monitoring, and territorial solidarity. These conditions are especially relevant for densely populated areas that will be confronted with sea level rise, thus for coastal cities in particular.
Expected outcome: Facilitate the identification and analysis of adaptation solutions implemented by coastal cities. Inform future strategies on the modalities of a dynamic adaptation pathway approach.

Further information: About the Sea'ties initiative:
NWPGeographicScope: Global; Local; National; Regional
Indicators of achievement:
NWPInformationType: Knowledge Resource
NWPJoinDate: 25/06/2024
NWPPartner: Ocean & Climate Platform
Purpose: To provide a synthesis of scientific literature on archetypes of adaptation strategies for addressing sea level rise based on their governance modalities and the complexity of their implementation.

Regional group:
Target group: Academics and scientists; Policy makers; Practitioners
NWPWorkStream: NWP
NWPYear: 2,019
NWPOutcome: Increased awareness, capacity building through experience sharing and policy influence at local and international levels through the mobilisation of stakeholders and elected officials.

Type of knowledge resource:
Scale of work:
Implementing partners:
NWPYearPublication: 2021
SourceItemID: 2526
NWPTypeOfKnowledge: Scientific/peer reviewed publication
NWPRelevantWeblinks:;#The publication ‘Designing Coastal Adaptation Strategies to Address Sea Level Rise’ is a synthesis of scientific literature that presents four archetypes of adaptation strategies for addressing sea level rise. These strategies are analyzed based on their governance modalities and the complexity of their implementation. This synthesis was co-authored by scientists from the RTPi-Sea’ties network, jointly led by the Ocean & Climate Platform (OCP) and CNRS, and it was published in the ‘Frontiers in Marine Science’ journal’s Ocean Solutions section in November 2021.

Created at 25/06/2024 16:30 by crmmocservices
Last modified at 25/06/2024 16:30 by crmmocservices
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