Title: IFC
NWPTypeOfOrganization: Private sector
NWPGeographicRegion: South America
Scope of work:
Good practices and lessons learned: The IFC methodology has served us as a powerful tool to launch projects with the primary objective of environmental protection and conservation, involving the indigenous communities residing in its area of influence. Our projects aimed to promote community development by addressing basic needs and preserving their quality of life and culture through building capacities and infrastructure.
During the years 2022 and 2023, we have worked directly with three communities in the Peruvian Amazon: Fray Pedro of the Matses Ethnicity located in the Department of Loreto on the border with Brazil, and the Native Communities of Sinchi Roca and Puerto Nuevo of the Kakataibo Ethnicity in the Ucayali region. These communities found themselves, after the pandemic, without financial resources and in a state of total neglect, lacking access to electricity, potable water, limited education, high malnutrition rates, and no direct access to the integrated health system.
Date of submission:
Abbreviation: GRAF
Adaptation element: Adaptation planning and practices; Capacity building; Education and training
Adaptation sector/theme: Biodiversity; Ecosystem-based adaptation; Community-based adaptation; Adaptation finance; Infrastructure; Indigenous and traditional knowledge
Climate hazard: Loss of biodiversity
Country: Peru
Description: Infinite Forest Carbon (IFC) methodology is a process that employs technical, statistical, and scientific assessments to quantify the carbon tonnage housed within primary forests. Following this evaluation, we issue financial instruments known as Patrimonial Titles. These titles, reflecting the assessed valuation, are subsequently introduced to the world's leading capital markets. Companies keen on contributing to the preservation of the Natural Capital and supporting the Indigenous Communities embedded within these ecosystems find opportunities for meaningful engagement through these instruments.
Expected outcome:
Further information: The IFC methodology works as a process that employs technical, statistical, and scientific assessments to quantify the carbon tonnage housed within primary forests. Following this evaluation, we issue financial instruments known as Patrimonial Titles. These titles, reflecting the assessed valuation, are subsequently introduced to the world's leading capital markets.
NWPGeographicScope: National
Indicators of achievement:
NWPInformationType: Tool
NWPJoinDate: 27/05/2024
NWPPartner: Get Life S.A
Purpose: GET LIFE SAC aims to conserve the Amazon Rainforests in the Peruvian jungle in three Indigenous Communities (Fray Pedro, Sinchi Roca and Puerto Nuevo). We are working in the Peruvian jungle with Get Life SAC, an organization oriented to develop Eco-Sustainability solutions oriented to promote the conservation of the environment. Their approach is to integrate financial models to develop initiatives that contribute to the preservation of the planet. Our projects are developed based on the IFC methodology, which will be implemented in indigenous communities as a result of the monetization of the ODS Heritage Titles. Purpose: To promote the restoration and conservation of terrestrial and forest ecosystems at the national level through community participation and the use of sustainable practices, through the fulfillment of SDG

Regional group: Least Developed Countries
Target group: Communities
NWPWorkStream: NWP
Type of knowledge resource:
Scale of work:
NWPReferences: The Infinite Forest Carbon (IFC) methodology is officially endorsed for scientific calculations (stored carbon) by the International Center for Leadership Training (CIFAL) Argentina of the United Nations Institute for Research and Training (UNITAR). The economic valuation is accredited for a fixed period of 30 years by the Embaixada do Clima, an observer member of the International Capital Market Association (ICMA).
Implementing partners: Get Life SAC works in parallel with the Fico Forest Bank, CO2 Capital, TMF and Embaxaida do Clima.
SourceItemID: 2558
NWPTypeOfKnowledge: Technical document/report
NWPCountryItem: Peru

Created at 27/05/2024 15:30 by crmmocservices
Last modified at 27/05/2024 15:30 by crmmocservices
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