Pages: Biodiversity_actions_to_close_knowledge_gaps

Name: Biodiversity_actions_to_close_knowledge_gaps.aspx
Title: Learn more about our collaborative actions and be part of the solutions
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Contact: Stefan Dierks
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NWP Feature Title: Learn more about our collaborative actions and be part of the solutions
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Page Content: Actions to close knowledge gaps


The following actions are being taken forward by expert group members and other partners. These actions stem from knowledge gaps identified in the scoping paper on knowledge gaps in integrating forest and grassland biodiversity and ecosystems into adaptation strategies. As part of being demand-driven, each proposal is being guided by the needs of constituted bodies and institutions arrangements under the UNFCCC as presented below.

Get involved in the ongoing actions noted below or propose a new action. If you are interested, get in touch:


Collaborative action




Target knowledge users


 Expert group members


Engagement with UNFCCC constituted body or institutional arrangement


Organization of the 14th Focal Point Forum on biodiversity and climate change adaptation at COP 26, Glasgow


Mandated event with scoping paper as an input to inform the discussions


Parties and UNFCCC national focal points, technical experts


Collaboration with the expert group


Scoping paper: Knowledge gaps in integrating forest and grassland biodiversity and ecosystems into adaptation strategies


Articulates the role of biodiversity and ecosystems in adaptation strategies, and identify challenges, including knowledge gaps, in relation to integrating biodiversity and ecosystems into adaptation strategies. The paper draws on national reports and examples across the world, including the least developed

countries, small island developing

States and African countries.


Parties and UNFCCC national focal points, technical experts


Prepared with inputs from the expert group


The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG), Adaptation Committee (AC), Standing Committee on Finance (SCF), Lima work programme on gender (LWPG), Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP) were invited to attend the expert group meetings and review and input into the scoping paper.


Briefing paper on Biodiversity and climate

change adaptation:

the role of forest and

grassland ecosystems


Summary paper


Parties and UNFCCC national focal points, technical experts


Promoting synergy between biodiversity and climate change adaptation through the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan (NBSAP)


Technical paper with case studies

To be published by April 2022


UNFCCC and CBD national focal points, funding institutions Technical staff of ministries engaged in climate adaptation and biodiversity conservation


GIZ, IISD, with UNEP, CBD secretariat, IUCN, SRC and the UNCCD secretariat



The technical paper will be developed as a supplement for the formulation and implementation of NAPs.


Interlinks between gender, climate change adaptation and biodiversity


Briefing paper


Technical staff of ministries engaged in gender, climate adaptation and biodiversity conservation. LWPG national focal points.


CIFOR with the CBD secretariat



This brief will be submitted to inform LWPG Activity A.4 focusing on “Dimensions and examples of the gender differentiated impacts of climate change; The role of women as agents of change; Opportunities for women”.


Long-term Monitoring of Adaptation


EbA Knowledge Day Session: Long-term monitoring of the performance of EbA projects (September 2021)

Potential brief (to be decided) as a follow up to the session.


EbA technical experts


University of Glasgow and the UNFCCC secretariat with SLYCAN Trust and Conservation and Development


AC. to support ongoing monitoring and evaluation activities.

Get involved
Share your knowledge resources on biodiversity and climate change adaptation with a focus on forests and grassland ecosystems on the Adaptation Knowledge Portal including case studiestools and methods, and other resources 
Make an action pledge to support adaptation planning and implementation related to biodiversity and climate change adaptation 
Send us news about upcoming publications and events at
Become a NWP partner organization

Created at 18/02/2022 14:58 by Stefan Dierks
Last modified at 03/02/2023 13:55 by Stefan Dierks
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