Pages: Warsaw-International-Mechanism-for-Loss-and-Damage

Name: Warsaw-International-Mechanism-for-Loss-and-Damage.aspx
Title: Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM Excom)
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Contact: Inga Moellers
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Page Content: Introduction to the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damages 
The Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM excom) guides the implementation of the functions of the Mechanism. The Executive implements its workplan through coordination and collaboration with various stakeholders.
Five expert groups play a major role in carrying out the activities of the Executive Committee’s workplan. These cover the thematic areas of slow onset events; non-economic losses; comprehensive risk management; displacement; and action and support.
The WIM Excom’s work with the NWP 
The NWP will support the vision of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM Excom), which aims to promote the implementation of approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change by:
Strengthening partnerships and promoting collaboration on closing adaptation knowledge gaps and scaling up adaptation actions. 
Co-producing knowledge outputs and sharing information on relevant work and engagement opportunities with a global network of partners. 
For more information read here.
Opportunities to contribute to the WIM Excom 
Get involved via: 
the Fiji Clearing House of Risk Transfer or 
register for the roster of experts

Learn more about WIM Excom here

Created at 13/09/2021 14:59 by Inga Moellers
Last modified at 23/09/2021 12:42 by Inga Moellers
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