Pages: Technology-Executive-Committee

Name: Technology-Executive-Committee.aspx
Title: Technology Executive Committee (TEC)
Scheduling Start Date:
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Contact: Inga Moellers
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NAP Summary:
Page Content: Introduction to the Technology Executive Committee The Technology Executive Committee (TEC) is the policy arm of the Technology Mechanism, which also includes the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN). It focuses on identifying policies that can accelerate the development and transfer of low-emission and climate resilient technologies. The TEC plays a key role in supporting countries to identify climate technology policies that support them to achieve the Agreement’s objectives. The TEC also analyses climate technology issues and develops balanced policy recommendations, supporting countries to accelerate action on climate change.
The TEC’s work with NWP 

The NWP will support the work of the TEC, which focuses on identifying policies that can accelerate the development and transfer of low-emission and climate resilient technologies.
Strengthening partnerships and promoting collaboration on closing adaptation knowledge gaps and scaling up adaptation action, including at sub-regional level. Find more details here.
Co-producing knowledge outputs and sharing information on relevant work and engagement opportunities with a global network of partners. Find more details here.
Promoting collaborations with constituted bodies on scaling up adaptation action. Find more details here.
For more information read here.

Opportunities to contribute to TEC 
The TEC invites Parties and observer organizations to its meetings and contribute to the discussion. The next TEC meeting is scheduled for 6-9 September 2022. The TEC will soon launch a call to observer organizations for inputs for the preparation of the new rolling workplan of the TEC. Inputs can be provided through the submission portal.
Contact the TEC via:
Learn more about the TEC here

Created at 13/09/2021 14:56 by Inga Moellers
Last modified at 07/04/2022 13:49 by Stefan Dierks
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