Pages: Paris-Committee-on-Capacity-building

Name: Paris-Committee-on-Capacity-building.aspx
Title: Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB)
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Contact: Inga Moellers
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Page Content: Introduction to the Paris Committee on Capacity-building
The Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB) addresses current and emerging gaps and needs in implementing and further enhancing capacity-building in developing countries. The PCCB seeks contributions and support from capacity-building actors and stakeholders around the globe to its activities in three areas: enhancing coherence and coordination of capacity-building; addressing capacity-building gaps and needs; and awareness-raising, knowledge- and information-sharing and stakeholder engagement. 
The PCCB Network is the latest initiative of the PCCB to engage actors involved in climate-related capacity-building and strengthen its ties with relevant bodies under and outside the Convention. The PCCB Network has been joined by over 220 entities and initiatives who believe in the power of collective action.
The PCCB’s work with the NWP 
The NWP will support the work of the PCCB to address current and emerging gaps and needs in implementing and further enhancing capacity-building in developing countries by: 
Co-producing knowledge outputs and sharing information on relevant work and engagement opportunities with global network of partners. 
Promoting collaborations to scale up adaptation action. 
For more information read here.
Opportunities to contribute to the PCCB 
One way to contribute is to respond to the PCCB’s regular calls for submissions on different capacity-building related topics, including its annual focus area. Two calls for submissions have been launched for Parties and non-Party stakeholders to support the PPCBs 2021-2024 work plan:
Existing tools and methodologies for implementing capacity-building activities that enable countries to achieve the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement. 
Experience, good practices and lessons learned related to enhancing the ownership of developing countries of building and maintaining capacity. 
The submissions received will feed into upcoming deliverables under two activities including a technical paper in 2022, technical sessions in Capacity-building Hubs at the COPs, and recommendations to the COP and CMA. 
To make a submission, interested stakeholders are kindly invited to use the template for each call available on the PCCB submissions page and send their inputs to The two calls are open until 15 October 2021.
Find out more about its ongoing calls for submissions here.
Learn more about the PCCB here

Created at 13/09/2021 14:51 by Inga Moellers
Last modified at 23/09/2021 12:01 by Inga Moellers
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