Pages: Lima-Work-Programme-on-Gender

Name: Lima-Work-Programme-on-Gender.aspx
Title: Lima Work Programme on Gender (LWPG)
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Contact: Inga Moellers
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Page Content: Introduction to the Lima Work Programme on Gender 
The Lima Work Programme on Gender (LWPG) was established in 2014 to advance gender balance and integrate gender consideration into the work of Parties and the secretariat in implementing the Convention and the Paris Agreement so as to achieve gender responsive climate policy and action. 
The enhanced gender action plan sets out objectives and activities under five priority areas that aim to advance knowledge and understanding of gender-responsive climate action and its coherent mainstreaming in the implementation of the UNFCCC and the work of Parties, United Nations entities and all stakeholders at all levels.
The LWPG’s work with the NWP 
The NWP is mandated to integrate gender considerations in its activities. Several activities have been undertaken over the years addressing this topic, including a technical paper on “Indigenous and local knowledge in adaptation action and the application of gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation”. 
Other areas of engagement include: 
Integrating gender considerations into NWP work. 
Co-producing knowledge outputs and sharing information on relevant work and engagement opportunities with a global network of partners. 
Promoting collaborations to scale up gender responsive adaptation action. 
Find out more here.
Opportunities to contribute to LWPG 
Following the adoption of the enhanced 5-year Lima Work Programme on Gender (LWPG) and its Gender Action Plan at COP 25, the secretariat would like to know more about your work relating to gender to identify how we can help to amplify your messages, knowledge and lessons learned. Find out about the work on gender and the convention, visit the gender webpages and share your work on the gender and the climate change nexus.
Learn more about the LWPG here

Created at 13/09/2021 14:49 by Inga Moellers
Last modified at 30/03/2022 13:45 by Stefan Dierks
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