Pages: Least-Developed-Countries-Expert-Group

Name: Least-Developed-Countries-Expert-Group.aspx
Title: Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)
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Contact: Inga Moellers
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Page Content: Introduction to the Least Developed Countries Expert Group
The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) is mandated to provide technical guidance and support to least developed countries (LDCs) on the: 
process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans (NAPs) 
the preparation and implementation of the national adaptation programmes of action 
the implementation of the LDC work programme
The LEG is also mandated to provide technical guidance and advice on accessing funding from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to support the formulation and implementation of NAPs, in collaboration with the GCF secretariat.

The LEG’s work with the NWP 
The LEG has benefited from the wide range of technical expertise that the Nairobi work programme (NWP) and its partners have provided in the following ways: 
providing technical guidance and support to the LDCs on the process of formulating and implementing NAPs, while deepening understanding among Parties and stakeholders of adaptation themes; 
collecting and sharing case studies and best practices, producing NAPs supplements and other knowledge products; 
strengthening partnerships and collaborations, including with constituted bodies, to close adaptation knowledge gaps and scale up adaptation actions.
Upon the invitation by the COP and the SBSTA, the LEG has developed linkages with the NWP’s workplan and provided recommendations on the delivery of the NWP mandates. For more information read here.
Opportunities to contribute to the LEG 
The LEG’s work programme for 2021–2022 provides several opportunities for NWP partners to engage with the LEG. Key areas include:
 Addressing the gaps and needs related to the process of formulating and implementing NAPs. 
Collaborating for the uptake of the NWP scoping paper on knowledge gaps for integrating the forest and grasslands biodiversity and ecosystem findings in the formulation and implementation of NAPs. Countries continue to prioritize biodiversity in their NAPs and need further guidance on undertaking a comprehensive risk assessment and design projects for accessing the Green Climate Fund for implementation. 
Collaborating with the NWP in developing supplements to the NAP technical guidelines with inputs from the LEG. To-date, a supplement has been launched to assist countries in developing proposals on coastal and marine nature-based solutions through the Green Climate Fund. 
Contributing information on support to countries on NAPs to form part of the annual progress report. 
Providing inputs to the Open NAP initiative and organizing information events on topics relevant to the adaptation work of the LEG in supporting the least developed countries. 
Contribute by sharing your ideas and suggestions via:

Learn more about the LEG here.

Created at 13/09/2021 14:45 by Inga Moellers
Last modified at 23/09/2021 12:00 by Inga Moellers
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