Pages: Adaptation-Committee

Name: Adaptation-Committee.aspx
Title: Adaptation Committee (AC)
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Contact: Inga Moellers
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Page Content: Introduction to the Adaptation Committee
As part of the Cancun Adaptation Framework, Parties established the Adaptation Committee (AC) to promote the implementation of enhanced action on adaptation in a coherent manner under the Convention. Since its establishment in 2010, the AC has become the United Nation's leading voice on adaptation. The sixteen-member body offers expert guidance on a range of adaptation topics, helping countries, civil society and businesses to build resilience and adapt to a changing climate.
The AC’s work with the NWP
The AC benefits from the wide range of technical expertise that the NWP and its partners provide in implementing its work plan, including support to:
deepen understanding of adaptation themes among Parties and stakeholders, and establishing partnerships for relevant collaborative action;
strengthen partnerships and promoting collaboration on closing adaptation knowledge gaps and scaling up adaptation action;
produce knowledge outputs and sharing information on relevant work and engagement opportunities with global network of partners;
promote collaboration with other constituted bodies on scaling up adaptation action.
The AC has invited the NWP to collaborate in implementing several activities as a port of its workplan, as well as provided recommendations and advice on the delivery of the NWP mandates.
For more information read here.

Contribute to the AC’s activities
1. Invitation to contribute to the outcomes of the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI) and thematic areas on oceans, coastal areas and ecosystems, and biodiversity and climate change adaptation. This includes:
sharing methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation 
sharing case studies on monitoring and evaluation adaptation 
co-organizing an event on monitoring and evaluation adaptation
input into a technical paper on priorities and needs for adaptation technologies for agriculture, water resources and coastal zones, including new case studies and synthesizing information.
2. The AC, in collaboration with the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) has launched a pilot inventory of methodologies that assesses adaptation needs, and how they can be addressed. 
This inventory serves as a centralized information hub for those looking to understand which tools are available for assessing various types of adaptation needs in different contexts. The AC and the LEG invite contributions from Parties and organizations to submit methodologies and case studies via this survey.
Contribute your inputs and suggestions via e-mail: and share resources via the adaptation knowledge portal.
Learn more about the Adaptation Committee here.

Created at 13/09/2021 14:16 by Inga Moellers
Last modified at 23/09/2021 11:58 by Inga Moellers
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