Pages: Biodiversity

Name: Biodiversity.aspx
Title: Biodiversity
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Contact: Inga Moellers
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NAP Summary: Engagement opportunities and resources
Page Content: Why does biodiversity, focusing on forest and
grassland ecosystems, matter?


Biodiversity underpins the ecosystem
processes and functions that provide critical services to society. In turn
actions that help conserve, restore or sustainably make use of biodiversity and
ecosystems can provide adaptation benefits while also contributing to multiple
facets of sustainable development. These include climate change mitigation,
disaster risk reduction, and the maintenance of essential ecosystem services.


Forest and grassland ecosystems provide
floodwater retention and slope stabilization and serve as windbreaks, while
also providing food, fodder and innumerable recreational and cultural services.
Actions to restore and conserve forest and grassland biodiversity and
ecosystems also provide co-benefits to human health and well-being, including
reducing the risk of disease transmission by reducing contact and the exchange
of pathogens between humans and wildlife.


Closing knowledge gaps through partnership
with the NWP expert group on biodiversity


Biodiversity, including forests and
grasslands, is one of the priority areas under the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP)
as mandated by SBSTA 48 and SBSTA 50. In response to the mandates
provided to the NWP, twenty-five expert organizations were invited to join thethematic expert group on forest and grassland biodiversity and climate change adaptation


The knowledge-to-action methodology



The NWP uses a knowledge-to-action methodology (see figure
below) that guides knowledge co-development through partnerships. This
collaborative approach responds to the adaptation needs of Parties, with an
emphasis on developing countries, and supports the formulation of national
adaptation plans and relevant mandates of UNFCCC constituted bodies. The
approach has been refined over the years incorporating lessons learned.




Engage expert group and scope the thematic area
including reviewing and synthesizing existing knowledge Webinar to showcase findings
from the draft scoping paper Second virtual meeting of theexpert group on held in January 2021 Steps
1) Scoping
Scoping paper: Knowledge gaps in integrating forest andgrassland biodiversity and ecosystems into adaptation strategies
Scoping paper: Knowledge gaps in integrating forest andgrassland biodiversity and ecosystems into adaptation strategies
2) Engage with expert groups

Expert group established (see here)

First virtual meeting held in July 2020

3) Refinde knowledge
Webinar to showcase findings
from the draft scoping paper

4) Co-design actions
Second virtual meeting of theexpert group on held in January 2021

5) Report and disseminate findings

Outputs included:
Briefing paper onBiodiversity and climate change adaptation: the role of forest and grasslandecosystems
Complementary Knowledge products to share key findings from the scoping
6) Facilitate partnerships to mobilize support

Preparatory meeting
to plan for the 14th Nairobi work programme Focal Point Forum


14th Focal Point Forum on biodiversity and climatechange adaptation in
conjunction with COP 26, Glasgow
NWP summary report of
the 14th Focal Point Forum on biodiversity and climate change
7) Implementing action (more details)

Collaborative actionsactivities undertaken:

gender inequities in forest and trees-based adaptation is key to addressing the
climate urgency with LWPG and CIFOR
Monitoring of Adaptation
Organize EbA
Knowledge Day Session: Long-term monitoring of the performance of EbA projects
(September 2021)
the side event: Knowledgeexchange on biodiversity for transformativeadaptation action in conjuction with COP 27 Sharm el-Sheikh
Present case studies and best practices about promoting synergies between NAPs and NBSAPs at NAP Expo 2023 in Chile
Collaborative action briefs and reports published: Technical Brief: PromotingSynergies Between Climate Change Adaptation and Biodiversity

Next steps


Until end-of 2023
Strengthening Capacity for Long-Term Monitoring,
Evaluation & Learning for Ecosystem-based Adaptation. To be published in


Find out more
& get involved 


Learn more about our collaborative
actions and be part of the solutions.

Share your knowledge resources on
biodiversity and climate change adaptation with a focus on forests and
grassland ecosystems on the Adaptation Knowledge Portal including case studiestools and methods, and other resources

Make an action pledge to support adaptation
planning and implementation related to oceans and climate change

Send us news about upcoming
publications and events at

Become a NWP partner organization







Created at 18/09/2020 19:47 by Francis Opolot
Last modified at 26/06/2023 14:37 by Stefan Dierks
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