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NWP Feature Title: Oceans, coastal areas and ecosystems
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NAP Summary: Engagement opportunities and resources under the Nairobi Work Programme
Page Content: Role of oceans and coastal areas in building climate resilience Healthy oceans are instrumental in regulating the climate system and are integral to achieving the SDGs and the objectives of the Paris Agreement. They
also help safeguard coastal cities, communities and businesses from
adverse impacts of a changing climate. However, the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special report on Oceans and Cryosphere (SROCC) warns
that Small Island Developing States (SIDS), coastal megacities and
communities are on the frontline of increasing climate impacts.
Ocean and
marine ecosystems provide a space for action for governments,
communities and stakeholders living with increasing risks in the next
decades. A number of countries have communicated their intentions
through Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), to increase
adaptation efforts in ocean ecosystems, and to safeguard oceans to
facilitate sustainable development. Knowledge gaps in adapting to the
impacts of climate change in coastal areas can pose barriers to
countries to take necessary adaptation action. Nature-based solutions in
the oceans and coastal areas are a vital part of strategies to
strengthen livelihoods, ensure food security, and protect lives. 

Closing knowledge gaps through partnership with the NWP expert group on oceans 
The Nairobi Work Programme (NWP), UNFCCC knowledge-to-action hub on adaptation and resilience was mandated SBSTA 48 and SBSTA 50
to focus on oceans, coastal areas and ecosystems as one of the priority
areas. The work provides an opportunity to link with and build on
existing initiatives and promoting coherence to ensure effective
outcomes for the ocean-climate nexus, boosting exchange of knowledge,
experience and best practices.
The NWP Expert Group on Oceans, established in 2019, aims to strengthen action
on ocean and climate adaptation under the UNFCCC process. Building on
the momentum to-date. The expert group can help address key
ocean-climate gaps through collaboration among expert group members, and
with the UNFCCC constituted bodies, other thematic expert groups of the
NWP and relevant communities of practice. It consist
of around 23 representatives from renowned organizations and
institutes, including the IPCC, United Nations agencies, networks and
other relevant international organizations and institutes.

The knowledge-to action methodology


The NWP uses a
knowledge-to-action methodology (see figure below) that guides knowledge
co-development through partnerships. This collaborative approach responds to
the adaptation needs of Parties, with an emphasis on developing countries, and
supports the formulation of national adaptation plans and relevant mandates of
UNFCCC constituted bodies. The approach has been refined over the years
incorporating lessons learned.

1) Scoping

Created a Scoping paper to review
and sythesize existing knowledge on oceans, coastal areas and
ecosystems, including but not limited to mega deltas, coral reefs,
mangroves and slow onset events
2) Engage with expert groups
the first expert group virtual meeting in November 2019 and led to
refined knowledge gaps and indicative actions to address these gapsCo-designed and organized the 13th Focal Point Forum in conjunction with COP25. Mandated event with scoping paper as input to inform the discussions.

3) Refine knowledge
Co-designed and organized the 13th Focal Point Forum in conjunction with COP25. Mandated event with scoping paper as input to inform the discussions.

4) Co-design actions
Convened the second virtual meeting of the expert group on the ocean in June 2020 to initiate collaborative actions to address knowledge gaps

5) Report and disseminate finding

Produced various knowledge outputs to share
the scoping paper and information on the focal point forum (e.g.
dedicated page on the UNFCCC page; UNFCCC Newsroom article; information booklet on the forum)
Published NWP Policy Brief on the Ocean. Synthesis of ocean adaptation existing knowledge, gaps, and needs, and
collaborative actions to build resilience of the ocean, coastal areas
and ecosystems.
6) Facilitate partnerships to mobilize support
Facilitating collaborative actions with the expert working group

7) Implementing action (more details)
Showcasing the progress of the work undertaken
under the NWP in collaboration with the NWP expert group on the ocean during
the Ocean and Climate Dialogue, December 2020. Shared progress on actions and how the NWP expert group on the ocean can
help strengthen action on the ocean and adaptation under the UNFCCC
Organized three Thematic sessions with the Technology Executive Committee (TEC), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (FEBA) as part of the "Technology Day" series of events (2021). The Three events were:Ecosystems and Technology: Innovative Approaches to Strengthening Coastal and Ocean Adaptation (September 2021, IUCN World Conservation Congress)
National Policy, Local Action: Scaling Integrated Approaches to Strengthen Coastal and Ocean Adaptation, Informal SBSTA event under the NWP (October 2021)
Best of Both Worlds: Uniting Adaptation Technologies and Nature-based
Solutions to Enhance Coastal and Ocean Resilience (November 2021, COP 26
in Glasgow)
Published the report: Enhancing resilience of oceans, coastal areas and ecosystems through collaborative partnerships (2021). The report highlights new solutions and good practices for building
the resilience of oceans and coastal areas and gives an overview of
knowledge gaps and opportunities for coordinated action to address these
Produced Policy Brief: Innovative Approaches for Strengthening Coastal and Ocean Adaptation: Integrating Technology and Nature-based Solutions (2022). This policy brief summarizes actions and
recommendations for scaling up innovative approaches to achieve multiple
benefits for people and nature.
Developed guidance on developing proposals for funding NbS for
adaptation, including NAP implementation, in partnership with LEG and GCF: Coastal adaptation and nature-based solutions for the implementation of NAPs: Considerations for GCF proposal development. A supplement to the UNFCCC NAP technical guidelines. Prepared by the NWP Expert Group on Oceans.

    Next steps
Until end-of 2023
Developing a Snapshot Guide to Nature-based Solutions Finance, describing instruments and mechanisms for financing Nature-based solutions in coastal & marine Ecosystems.
Developing a data policy brief, integrating ocean data and information into relevant adaptation policies and plans. The complement to AC paper on data for adaptation at different temporal and spatial scales.
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your knowledge resources on biodiversity and climate change adaptation
with a focus on forests and grassland ecosystems on the Adaptation
Knowledge Portal including case studiestools and methods, and other resources



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Created at 20/08/2019 14:52 by David Oehmen
Last modified at 04/05/2023 13:41 by Stefan Dierks
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