Pages: Knowledge-to-Action

Name: Knowledge-to-Action.aspx
Title: NWP Knowledge-to-Action approach
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Contact: Laura Kavanaugh
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NAP Description: Addressing adaptation knowledge gaps through collaborative action
NAP Summary:
Page Content: The NWP relies on continuous engagement with partners to drive forward activities that produce usable knowledge products and catalyse action in response to identified knowledge needs in relevant topics and thematic areas. Building on previous experience and existing resources, the NWP follows a stepwise approach to turn knowledge into action:

Defining knowledge needs – identify, validate, and refine specific adaptation knowledge needs in response to requests from Parties, reformulating into actionable research questions and/or partner requests as appropriate
Scoping - review and synthesize existing adaptation knowledge
Expert groups - assemble and consult relevant experts to advance the work on key issues or themes
Refine knowledge- identify key principles, good practices, and/or priority knowledge gaps
Co-design actions - co-design actions with partners and/or constituted bodies to address knowledge needs and enhance national, regional, and local adaptation actions
Package and disseminate outcomes - repackage knowledge into a usable format for policy-makers, non-Party stakeholders, and general audiences
Facilitate partnerships - facilitate partnerships, including with Parties and NWP partners, to mobilize support for the implementation of transformative actions and to close knowledge gaps
Track and learn - track and report outcomes and feedback lessons learned to update knowledge needs and improve interventions

Created at 20/02/2019 18:57 by Laura Kavanaugh
Last modified at 12/04/2019 10:56 by Louis Pille-Schneider
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