MainDBDraft: Catalysing low cost green technologies for sustainable water service delivery in northern Kenya

Title: Catalysing low cost green technologies for sustainable water service delivery in northern Kenya
Geographic region: Africa
Target group: Communities; Policy makers; Private sector
Expected outcome:
Indicators of achievement:
Date of submission: 22/09/2020
Further information: Additional hazard(s): Water scarcity and land degradation neutrality. Approach: Community-based adaptation. Stage in the adaptation policy cycle: Planning (including identification, appraising and prioritizing adaptation measures). Time scale: Short-to mid-term adaptation needs. Additional (specific) target group: Policy maker (nation and local levels).
NWPPartner: Climate Technology Centre and Network
Other action pledges:
Geographic scope: Local
Adaptation element: Technology support
Adaptation sector/theme: Water resources
Climate hazard: Desertification; Drought
Implementing partners:
Abbreviation: CTCN
Type of organization: UN and affiliated organization
NWPUserTitle: Mr.
NWPName: Rajiv
NWPSurname: Garg
Job title: Regional Manager - Africa
NWPStreet: n/a
NWPZip: n/a
Country: Kenya
NWPTel: n/a
References NWP:
Year of publication:
NWPTypeOfKnowledge: Technical document/report
Description: Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) implemented a technical assistance (TA) supporting Kenya to determine the technical and financial feasibility of low-cost green technologies for improved water services in Northern Kenya and peri-urban areas. Direct access to this case study:
Outcome: In collaboration with the NDE of Kenya and the TA implementors (UNEP-DTU Partnership and Green Technology Center), the CTCN TA provided (1) prioritisation of three green water technologies in targeted areas, (2) a pre-feasibility study to determine the technical, economic and social feasibility of the green water technologies for the targeted areas, (3) identification of potential private sector actors and Public Private Partnership (PPP) within the water sector for the deployment of the green water technologies, (4) development of a PPP business model and (5) development of a draft concept note for up-scaling financial investment. It was expected that the TA would have a significant impact on the sustainable development goals in Kenya through improved water access to underserved communities.
NWPInformationType: Case study
NWPStatus: Processed

Created at 22/09/2020 09:27 by
Last modified at 22/09/2020 09:35 by crmmocservices
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