Name: LAKI-IOI.aspx
Title: LAKI in the Indian Ocean Islands subregion
Comments: LAKI Indian ocean islands subregion
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Contact: Laura Kavanaugh
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NAP Description: Partnership with International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
NAP Summary:
Page Content: A) Priority Setting Workshop:
As part of the implementation of the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI), UNFCCC/NWP and UN Environment organized a priority-setting workshop for the Indian Ocean islands subregion from 20-22 October, 2016 in Sri Lanka with the support of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI). The event was organized in parallel with the workshop for the Hindu Kush Himalayan subregion and back to back with the Asia Pacific Adaptation Network forum. 

A multidisciplinary stakeholder group of core experts discussed the priority adaptation knowledge gaps for the subregion through a multi-criteria analysis approach and agreed to generate two lists to better account for the geographical diversity of the subregion. A list of 10 gaps was thus agreed upon for the larger island countries (i.e. Madagascar and Sri Lanka) and another 10 gaps were identified for the smaller island countries (i.e. Comoros, Maldives and Seychelles). Participants also provided a preliminary list of potential response actions, noting concrete deliverables and target beneficiaries, and provided advice as to the best-placed organisations to undertake such responses.  

The top 12 gaps for the subregion are detailed below including 6 for the large island and 6 for the small islands. To view the fuller list, please see the workshop report.

B) Priority Adapatation Knowledge Gaps and Actions Undertaken to Close the Priority Knowledge Gaps

Table: LARGE ISLANDS (Madagascar and Sri Lanka) Priority Adaptation Knowledge Gaps and Actions Undertaken to Close the Priority Knowledge Gaps:



Thematic area


Gap Description




Knowledge user


Actions Undertaken to Close the Priority Gaps







Insufficient information on water-conserving irrigation practices and other water management techniques



Lack of data, lack of access [Mix]



Agricultural planners, extension officials, small-scale farmers (gender), water/irrigation management practitioners





Insufficient information on crop and agricultural diversification



Lack of data, lack of access [Mix]



Farmers, extension people, planners







Insufficient information on climate-smart crop varieties



Lack of data, lack of access, lack of actionable knowledge (e.g., in need of repackaging existing knowledge) [Mix]



Policymakers (local planners, government officials), farmers and agro-based industries, non-governmental organizations









Insufficient information on climatic parameters at the sub-basin/ catchment/ subnational level



Lack of data, lack of access [Mix]



Policymakers (local planners, government officials)












Insufficient information on water storage capacity and status (e.g. reservoirs, tanks)



Lack of data [1]



Policymakers (local planners, government officials), non-governmental organizations









Insufficient information on cropping calendars that precisely integrate the impacts of climate change



Lack of data, lack of access, lack of actionable knowledge (e.g., in need of repackaging existing knowledge) [Mix]



Policymakers (local planners, government officials), farmers and agro-based industries, non-governmental organizations



























Table: SMALL ISLANDS (Comoros, the Maldives, Mauritius, the Seychelles) Priority Adaptation Knowledge Gaps and Actions Undertaken to Close the Priority Knowledge Gaps:


Thematic area

Gap Description


Knowledge user

Response Actions



Coastal areas


Insufficient information on the impacts of storm surges and other extreme events on coastal areas, including erosion and impacts on infrastructure, and drinking water supply


Lack of data, lack of access [Mix]


Policymakers (local planners, government officials) from various ministries/ departments, tourism industry, non-governmental organizations, coastal communities 


The graduate students of the University of Michigan (School of Environment and Sustainability), a NWP partner, developed five future climate scenarios for Seychelles and used them to build a Climate Scenario Planning Toolkit to aid decision-makers plan for a variety of plausible futures. More information: Full Report, Summary for Policy-makers, Interactive GIS Maps and a story map.

The capstone project was undertaken in two phases. The first phase was undertaken by four students in 2018-2019, and the second phase by three students in 2019-2020. Case study on the AKP is available here 





Insufficient knowledge on how climate change affects coastal/marine fish migration


Lack of data, lack of access [Mix]


Fisheries industries, fisheries sector officials




Coastal areas

Insufficient information on the impacts of sea level rise on coastal areas, including erosion and impacts on infrastructure, and drinking water supply


Lack of data, lack of access [Mix]


Policymakers (local planners, government officials) from various ministries/ departments, tourism industry, non-governmental organizations, coastal communities


The graduate students of the University of Michigan (School of Environment and Sustainability), a NWP partner, developed five future climate scenarios for Seychelles and used them to build a Climate Scenario Planning Toolkit to aid decision- makers plan for a variety of plausible futures. More information: Full Report, Summary for Policy-makers, Interactive GIS Maps and a story map.

The capstone project was undertaken in two phases. The first phase was undertaken by four students in 2018-2019, and the second phase by three students in 2019-2020. Case study on the AKP is available here.



Coastal areas


Insufficient information on the impacts of climate change on coral reefs, including coral bleaching


Lack of data, lack of access, lack of actionable knowledge (e.g., in need of repackaging existing knowledge) [Mix]


Policymakers (local planners, government officials), environmental non-governmental organizations, fishers, fisheries associations






Insufficient information on climatic parameters at the sub-basin/ catchment/ subnational level


Lack of data, lack of access [Mix]


Policymakers (local planners, government officials)






Insufficient information on the impacts of climate change on energy demand


Lack of data [1]


Energy suppliers, policymakers/government, non-governmental organizations



Created at 05/11/2018 14:03 by Laura Kavanaugh
Last modified at 25/08/2020 12:48 by Francis Opolot
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