Pages: LAKI-WestAsia

Name: LAKI-WestAsia.aspx
Title: LAKI in the West Asia / GCC subregion
Comments: subregional LAKI page for West Asia
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Contact: Laura Kavanaugh
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NAP Description: Partnership with Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative
NAP Summary:
Page Content: A) Priority Setting Workshop:

As part of the implementation of the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI) for the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) subregion, the Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI) collaborated with UNEP and UNFCCC secretariat in organizing the priority-setting workshop held on 15-17 June 2015 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The purpose of this workshop was to identify a set of prioritized adaptation knowledge gaps and a preliminary list of response actions and associated institutions for addressing these gaps in the subregion. Please click here to access the full workshop report.
Expert participants (multidisciplinary stakeholder group or MSG in short) discussed and agreed to the pool of 10 priority adaptation knowledge gaps for the GCC subregion through a multi-criteria analysis approach. The MSG also provided a preliminary identification of potential response actions, in terms of concrete deliverables and target beneficiaries, to address this pool of priority knowledge gaps.
B) Priority Adaptation Knowledge Gaps and Actions Undertaken to Close the Priority Knowledge Gaps:
Over 2020 and 2021, the LAKI has engaged international regional, national and local partners to identify and codesign joint actions to close the knowledge gaps noted in the priority setting workshop. 
Related resources:  Coordinating Efforts to Address Knowledge Gaps in MENA Region
Building Momentum to Close Adaptation Knowledge Gaps in MENA Region
Adapting to Climate Impacts in MENA Region
Building momentum to Close Adaptation Knowledge Gaps in the MENA region: Focus on climate-smart agriculture and nature-based solutions
The organizations convened, expressed an interest to work together to address the priority adaptation knowledge gaps. In addition to a pre-engagement virtual process (which including one-to-one meetings with each participating organization), three other technical meetings were convened to:
encourage representatives from the participating organizations to share ideas on potential proposals to close priority knowledge gaps with target users in mind
support discussions to unpack the proposals including the knowledge outputs in more depth 
provide guidance on access to finance to implement the proposals suggested.
Progress for each action will be showcased at events throughout the year, including the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 in Glasgow in November and the MENA Regional Climate Week in March 2022.
For the West Asia-GCC subregion, the work has been undertaken in collaboration with the UNFCCC-WGEO Regional Collaboration Center for the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia based in Dubai (RCC Dubai), the UNEP Regional Office for West Asia, and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA).
The priority knowledge gaps identified for the West Asia-GCC subregion are are provided in the table below.


Thematic area
Gap Description
Knowledge User
Proposed Actions to close the Priority Gaps






Limited availability and access to observed data on quantity and quality of conventional (groundwater reserves, surface water, shared transboundary flows, recharge levels) and non-conventional (treated wastewater, desalinated water) water resources


Lack of data, lack of access [Mix]


Decision makers, planners, media, researchers, civil society including non-governmental organizations. Ministries of environment, water, agriculture and energy






Limited availability and lack of access to scenario data at various spatial scales for projected climatic variables, including temperature, precipitation, wind, evapotranspiration, drought, flash floods, sea level, extreme events, etc.


Lack of data, lack of access [Mix]


Climate modelers, researchers, climate change stakeholders

Water Governance capacity-building, guidelines and implementation. Lead organization: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) [ongoing]
Drought and Forecasting Management Tool. Lead organization: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) [ongoing]
Urgent Interventions to Build Socio-Ecological System Resilience to Natural Hazards in MENA region. Proposed by: UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in the Arab States [ongoing]
Enhance the Arab member states capacities to incorporate water into their national climate planning, mainly National Determined Contributions (NDCs) of the Arab Countries. Proposed by: UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in the Arab States [ongoing]
U & I Build our Resilience: A toolbox to strengthen socio-ecological systems resilience to natural hazards in the Arab Region. Proposed by: UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in the Arab States [ongoing]
Smart Agriculture Application (mobile app) - Jordan. Proposed by: National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC) [ongoing]



Terrestrial ecosystems


Fragmented baseline data (biological, ecological and climate) and lack of standardized methodologies for consolidating information on terrestrial ecosystems at the subregional level


Lack of data, lack of access [Mix]


National implementers, environmental agencies, research institutes, public authorities, academia

Enhance the Arab member states capacities to incorporate water into their national climate planning, mainly National Determined Contributions (NDCs) of the Arab Countries. Proposed by: UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in the Arab States [ongoing]



Marine ecosystems


Incomprehensive data and information as well as lack of integrated approaches related to climate change impacts on coastal and marine ecosystems’ goods and services


Lack of data, lack of actionable knowledge (e.g., in need of repackaging existing knowledge), lack of tools/methods [Mix]


Environmental hubs in the region, decision makers

UAE Mangrove Annual Carbon Sequestration Project. Lead Organization: Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI) [ongoing]



Marine ecosystems


Inadequate knowledge and awareness on coastal defense and protection services provided by coastal and marine ecosystems and their response to a changing climate


Lack of data, lack of access [Mix]


Decision-makers, academia, civil society including non-governmental organizations

UAE Mangrove Annual Carbon Sequestration Project. Lead Organization: Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI) [ongoing]



Marine ecosystems


Insufficient technical capacity for monitoring, assessing and projecting impacts of climate change in the marine ecosystems


Lack of access, lack of actionable knowledge (e.g., in need of repackaging existing knowledge), lack of tools/methods [Mix]


Municipalities, planners, policy makers





Food security


Limited knowledge of climate smart agricultural practices


Lack of actionable knowledge (e.g., in need of repackaging existing knowledge) [3]


Consumers and producers, farmers, decision makers, ministries of agriculture

Innovation Hub-Scaling up and enabling environment. Lead organization: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) [ongoing]
Drought and Forecasting Management Tool. Lead organization: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) [ongoing]
Smart Agriculture Application (mobile app) - Jordan. Proposed by: National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC) [ongoing]





Lack of information and knowledge on the direct and indirect impacts of climate change on human health


Lack of data, lack of actionable knowledge (e.g., in need of repackaging existing knowledge) [Mix]


Ministries of health, faculties of medicines, syndicates of pharmaceuticals, World Health Organization, health agencies

Enhance the Arab member states capacities to incorporate water into their national climate planning, mainly National Determined Contributions (NDCs) of the Arab Countries. Proposed by: UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in the Arab States [ongoing]





Limited knowledge on developing adaptive measures and projects


Lack of tools and methods [4]


Local communities, civil society including non-governmental organizations

Urgent Interventions to Build Socio-Ecological System Resilience to Natural Hazards in MENA region. Proposed by: UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in the Arab States [ongoing]
U & I Build our Resilience: A toolbox to strengthen socio-ecological systems resilience to natural hazards in the Arab Region. Proposed by: UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in the Arab States [ongoing]
UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Platform to upscale IEAs to national levels in the Arab Member States. Proposed by: UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in the Arab States [ongoing]



Marine and terrestrial ecosystems


Lack of knowledge of the costs of climate change impacts and adaptation investment opportunities for sustainable development in the marine and terrestrial ecosystems


Lack of tools and methods [4]


Gulf Cooperation Council Secretariat General Ministries

Urgent Interventions to Build Socio-Ecological System Resilience to Natural Hazards in MENA region. Proposed by: UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in the Arab States [ongoing]
UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Platform to upscale IEAs to national levels in the Arab Member States. Proposed by: UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in the Arab States [ongoing]

Created at 05/11/2018 11:04 by Laura Kavanaugh
Last modified at 25/08/2022 09:34 by Stefan Dierks
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