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Title: Outcomes of the 17th Meeting of the Adaptation Committee
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Contact Name: Francis Opolot
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NAP Summary: The Adaptation Committee Held its 17th Meeting from 24-27 March 2020.
NAP Description: The Adaptation Committee Held Its 17th Meeting from 24-27 March 2020.
Page Content:                                                                                                                                                     Photo Credit: Jeffrey-Blum/Unsplash
The Adaptation Committee held its 17th meeting (AC17) between 24-27 March 2020.  The Covid–19 global pandemic warranted
that  the AC held its first ever virtual
meeting, thereby showing
its determination to continue delivering timely and high-quality products in
the face of the pandemic.

Yousef Nassef, the
director of the UNFCCC Adaptation Division, in his concluding remarks, said "the
Covid-19 challenge is giving us the opportunity to rethink our perception of a
lot of things including vulnerability, early action, rapid response and what
timescales mean when confronted with a crisis. I’m hopeful that the AC will
itself be an engine for the world to understand these lessons even after the
crisis ends"


The Adaptation Committee elected Cecilia da
Silva Bernardo from Angola and Alessandra Sgobbi from Italy as the new Co-Chairs. Pending global developments in the Covid-19
pandemic, the AC agreed 25 - 28 August as tentative dates for its 18th

Other key issues discussed at the virtual
meeting were:

How to most
effectively recognize the adaptation efforts of developing countries through
the lens of its synthesis paper on How developingcountries are addressing hazards.
Considering approaches
to reviewing the overall progress made in achieving the global goal onadaptation of enhancing adaptive capacity,
strengthening resilience, and reducing vulnerability to climate change.
Reviewing an initial draftoutline for supplementary guidance for voluntary use by governments as they prepare their adaptation communication and
discussing how to ensure that this guidance does not create an additional
burden on developing countries.
Finalizing the
development—in partnership with the Least  Developed Countries Expert
Group (LEG), partner organizations of the Nairobiwork programme, and other stakeholders—of an inventory ofmethodologies for assessing adaptation needs
related to action, finance, capacity-building, technological support and other
areas. Members brainstormed ways to ensure the inventory is user-friendly,
accessible, and tailored to the needs of the practitioners who will use it on
the ground.  
Launching a
discussion on the synthesisreport the AC will prepare as an input into
the global stocktake - a periodical assessment of progress  towards
achieving the purpose of the Paris Agreement and its long-term
Members also
discussed the AC’s drafttechnical paper on data for adaptation and reflected on how the paper can highlight opportunities for
international cooperation to improve data availability, use and quality


This article was adapted from one originally published in the UNFCCC Newsroom



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Adaptation sector/theme:
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Climate Hazard:
Article Date: 4/29/2020

Created at 4/24/2020 3:54 PM by Francis Opolot
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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