Title: Strengthening adaptation efforts in the North African and the Gulf Cooperation Council subregions
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NAP Summary: The NWP is presently supporting the World Green Economy Organization (WGEO) in closing adaptation knowledge gaps under the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI) in the North African and West Asia/ Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) subregions.
NAP Description: The NWP is presently supporting the World Green Economy Organization (WGEO) in closing adaptation knowledge gaps under the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI) in the North African and West Asia/ Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) subregions.
Page Content: TheLima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI) is a joint
endeavor between the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) Secretariat and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to
address knowledge barriers that impede the implementation and scaling up of
adaptation action in subregions, categorized by common geographical
characteristics and shared climatic conditions. As a demand-driven process,
outcomes from the LAKI could be useful in guiding adaptation actions in
countries and subregions by aligning local, regional and global resources with
actual demands and needs.

The NWP is
collaborating with the WGEO as the  RegionalCollaboration Centre (RCC)
to narrow knowledge gaps in the West Asia/GCC and North Africa subregions. The
RCC in Dubai was established in late 2019 as a collaboration between the UNFCCC
secretariat and the WGEO. RCC Dubai is dedicated to advancing the goals of the
Paris Climate Change Agreement in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. 

The NWP convened priority-setting
workshops in the West Asia/ GCC and North African subregions in 2015 and 2017
respectively, to identify and prioritize knowledge gaps to be closed. As the
next step, the NWP is working with the WGEO to:

Engage relevant
institutions and experts to identify and support implementation of activities
that will narrow the priority adaptation knowledge gaps for the intended
knowledge users;
Disseminate the
knowledge outputs to the targeted knowledge users in the subregions as well as
other relevant subregions, to support regional, national and subnational
adaptation planning and implementation.

Relevant institutions
have already been invited to participate in a stocktake exercise, which seeks
to assess ongoing efforts to address the identified knowledge gaps. The
outcomes of the stocktake exercise will result in a technical workshop in the
second quarter of 2020, where partners from across the region will come
together to focus on the design and implementation of activities, potentially
identifying cross collaborative opportunities amongst institutions working on
similar initiatives or addressing common challenges. As a result, this will
support the filling of knowledge gaps for different knowledge users in these


Reiterating the significance of the LAKI, Youssef Nassef, the Director of the Adaptation Programme of the UNFCCC Secretariat
remarked:  “through more engagement of
experts in the coming period and producing the specific targeted deliverables
in the form of surgical interventions at the practitioner-level, we will be
able to advance considerably in adaptation by capitalizing on low-hanging fruit
which are filling of the knowledge gaps.”

Image credit: NASA/Flickr



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Article Date: 4/2/2020

Created at 3/20/2020 7:57 PM by Faith Donani
Last modified at 7/23/2021 9:22 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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