Pages: Call-for-information-and-knowledge-resources-on-monitoring-tools-and-assessment-methods

Name: Call-for-information-and-knowledge-resources-on-monitoring-tools-and-assessment-methods.aspx
Title: EXTENDED: Call for information and knowledge resources on monitoring tools and assessment methods
Comments: Find out how to contribute
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NAP Summary: Find out how to contribute
NAP Description: Find out how to contribute!
Page Content: NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations are invited to facilitate the compilation and dissemination of information on monitoring tools and assessment methods to support developing countries. Please submit your information and knowledge resources by October 31, 2019.
1. Mandate 
The SBSTA at its 48th session invited the NWP and partner organizations to facilitate the compilation and dissemination of information on monitoring tools and assessment methods to assist Parties, in particular developing country Parties, in accordance with decision 2/CP.11, with the following:
(a) Methods, tools, data, observations and systems for economic, ecosystem and climate modelling and scenarios, inter alia, related to vulnerability and climate risk assessment;
(b) Mobilization of knowledge resources in collaboration with relevant organizations.
2. Templates for submission and timeline 
NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations are invited to share the following:
Information on methods, tools, data, observations and systems for economic, ecosystem and climate modelling scenarios using this template.
Relevant knowledge resources on monitoring tools and assessment methods using this template.
With your inputs, please provide relevant hyperlinks, including information sources, pictures and/or graphics. You are invited to submit multiple initiatives, but please submit one initiative per template.
Please send your inputs to by October 31, 2019.
Should you need any further information, please, do not hesitate to contact the NWP team, at
3. What is the next step in supporting countries? 
Based on the inputs, the NWP team will collaborate with relevant organizations in compiling, analyzing and disseminating the information as well as in mobilizing relevant knowledge resources to assist Parties, in particular developing country Parties.
4. How can my organization/entity further support resilience through knowledge? 
In case your entity or your organization has developed knowledge products in the form of case studies, tools/methods and/or other knowledge resources in the field of economic, ecosystem and climate modelling and scenarios, inter alia, related to vulnerability and climate risk assessment, please do not hesitate to share them via the Adaptation Knowledge Portal.
If you wish to learn more about adaptation/resilience, a list of NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations working on these thematic areas, action pledges, case studies, tools and methods, as well as knowledge resources can be browsed through our advanced search page .

Page Image:
Adaptation sector/theme:
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Adaptation Element:
Climate Hazard:
Article Date: 8/29/2019

Created at 4/5/2019 2:18 PM by Louis Pille-Schneider
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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