Pages: Call-for-case-studies-on-initiatives-focusing-on-ecosystems-and-adaptation-planning-for-vulnerable-communities-and-groups-a

Name: Call-for-case-studies-on-initiatives-focusing-on-ecosystems-and-adaptation-planning-for-vulnerable-communities-and-groups-a.aspx
Title: EXTENDED: Call for case studies on initiatives focusing on ecosystems and adaptation planning for vulnerable communities and groups as agents of change
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NAP Summary: Find out how to contribute
NAP Description: Find out how to contribute your case studies!
Page Content: Parties, NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations are invited to contribute their case studies by October 31, 2019. 
1. Mandate
Following a recommendation from the Adaptation Committee, the COP  invites Parties and interested organizations to share case studies of initiatives that focus on ecosystems and adaptation planning for vulnerable communities and groups as agents of change. Parties, NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations are invited to send case studies of relevant initiatives before October 31, 2019 to
2. Which elements should be considered in the case studies?   
The case studies should include description of initiatives focusing on ecosystems and adaptation planning for vulnerable communities and groups as agents of change, and provide the following details:   
Name of your organization or entity
Type of organization
Scale of operation
Adaptation sector/theme
Adaptation element
Climatic hazard addressed
Target beneficiaries 
Description of relevant activities/processes or research
Description of relevant tools/methods
Key outcomes of the activities undertaken
Description of lessons learned and good practices identified
Description of key challenges identified
Planned next steps (as appropriate)
Relevant hyperlinks
Please submit your case study, using this template .
For each initiative, please provide relevant hyperlinks, including to information sources, pictures and/or graphics. You are invited to submit multiple initiatives (please submit one initiative per template). Should you need any further information, please, do not hesitate to contact the NWP team, at   
3. How will the case studies be disseminated to inform adaptation action? 
As requested by the Adaptation Committee, the case studies will be disseminated through the Adaptation Knowledge Portal with a view to enhancing the translation of knowledge into practice.   
4. How can my organization/entity further support resilience through knowledge?
In case your entity or your organization has developed knowledge products in the form of case studies, tools/methods and/or other knowledge resources in the field of ecosystems and adaptation planning, please do not hesitate to share them via the Adaptation Knowledge Portal.
If you wish to learn more about adaptation/resilience, a list of NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations working on these thematic areas, action pledges, case studies, tools and methods, as well as knowledge resources can be browsed through our advanced search page .

Page Image:
Adaptation sector/theme:
Geographic Region:
Adaptation Element:
Climate Hazard:
Article Date: 8/29/2019

Created at 4/4/2019 3:36 PM by Louis Pille-Schneider
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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