Pages: AC15

Name: AC15.aspx
Title: Outcomes of the 15th meeting of the Adaptation Committee, held from 19-21 March 2019 in Bonn, Germany
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NAP Summary: The Adaptation Committee held its 15th meeting, led by the Co-Chairs Pilar Bueno from Argentina and Marianne Karlsen from Norway.
NAP Description: The Adaptation Committee held its 15th meeting, led by the Co-Chairs Pilar Bueno from Argentina and Marianne Karlsen from Norway.
Page Content: The Adaptation Committee held its 15th meeting from 19-21 March, led by the Co-Chairs Pilar Bueno from Argentina and Marianne Karlsen from Norway. The meeting produced good outcomes in the areas of promoting overarching coherence, providing technical support and guidance on adaptation action and finance, technology and capacity-building, as well as on awareness-raising, outreach and sharing of information.
At this meeting, the Adaptation Committee started discussing a range of new components towards the implementation of the adaptation element of the Paris Agreement, as entrusted to the Committee by the Parties at the December Climate Change Conference in Katowice. These mandates address further voluntary guidance on the Adaptation Communications, reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support, recognition of adaptation efforts of developing country Parties, as well as assessing adaptation needs. These newly assigned tasks are a clear signal of the trust that Parties have in the Adaptation Committee to serve as the leading voice on adaptation. The Committee established clear time lines for undertaking its work on these matters to ensure the deliverables are on time and undergo due consideration and review.
The Adaptation Committee further embarked on the preparation of concrete technical knowledge products to assist Parties and practitioners in planning and implementing adaptation action. Key products to look out for this year and in 2020 include information on the link between adaptation and mitigation, a knowledge product on long-term adaptation planning and various approaches, an information paper on addressing Parties’ capacity gaps in accessing adaptation finance, a report on adaptation provisions under the UNFCCC, as well as a technical paper on short, mid- and long-term adaptation, including data, financial flows and others.
In terms of active engagement with all interested stakeholders during public events, the Adaptation Committee invites all participants of this year’s NAP Expo to its 2019 Adaptation Forum, taking place in Songdo, Republic of Korea, on 10 April, to further advance the topic of engaging the private sector in adaptation planning. The 2019 technical expert meeting on adaptation will have its doors open wide for all participants of this year’s Climate Change Conference in Bonn, where it will discuss the hot topic of adaptation finance on 25 and 26 June. Lastly, the Adaptation Committee agreed to recommend to the Nairobi work programme to focus its 2019 Focal Point Forum on the theme of Oceans, and to dedicate the 2020 Forum to Adaptation and Biodiversity.
Last, but not least the Committee dedicated time to discussing how to best incorporate gender considerations into adaptation action overall, and across its own workplan activities, including those described above.

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Article Date: 4/5/2019

Created at 4/4/2019 12:01 PM by Louis Pille-Schneider
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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