Pages: Making-local-communities-and-indigenous-peoples-platform-a-reality-on-the-ground

Name: Making-local-communities-and-indigenous-peoples-platform-a-reality-on-the-ground.aspx
Title: Making progress: local communities and indigenous peoples platform
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NAP Summary: Learn more about the first activity of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform: a multi-stakeholder workshop at SBSTA 48
NAP Description: The multi-stakeholder workshop at SBSTA 48, brought together more than a hundred Party delegates and representatives of local communities and indigenous peoples and to discuss how to best implement the functions of the platform.
Page Content: May 2018 – “Together with indigenous peoples and local communities’ voices, we will be able to ensure the Paris Agreement not only works properly but protects all people and all livelihoods” said Patricia Espinosa in her keynote speech at the first activity of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform, a multi-stakeholder workshop at SBSTA 48.

Vulnerable groups are the ones most affected by climate change. They also have an important role to play in addressing it. Local communities and indigenous peoples have traditional and in-situ knowledge about the environment reaching back centuries or even millennia.


Therefore, in line with the Paris Agreement’s commitment of inclusion of vulnerable groups together with the spirit of the Talanoa Dialogue, the aim of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform is to promote inclusivity, participation and transparency towards mitigating and adapting to climate change in an integrated manner.


The functions of the platform, as decided in 2017 at COP 23, are to provide a space for the exchange of experiences and sharing of best practices, build capacity of engagement, and facilitate the integration of knowledge in climate change policies and programmes for local communities and indigenous peoples at the forefront of climate impacts, vulnerabilities, and risks.


The multi-stakeholder workshop took place at SBSTA 48 and opened with a ceremonial song by Frank Ettawageshik on the importance of water. It was co-moderated by Paul Watkinson the SBSTA chair and Roberto Mukaro Borrero a representative from the local communities and indigenous peoples, whose presence underlined the importance of having local communities and indigenous peoples’ representatives and parties to be engaged together at every level of the Platform’s development. Stakeholders emphasized the importance of a rights-based approach, equal representation and adequate funding at the workshop.

Following the workshop, Parties and indigenous peoples working commenced with eight negotiations sessions to further develop the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform. They discussed the governance arrangements for a facilitative working group and guidance for the development of a workplan. Key points from the sessions included exchange about the composition, life span, and objectives of the facilitative working group and its relationship to the Platform.


The long hours of discussion during SBSTA 48 culminated in constructive progress where Parties and indigenous peoples expressed their continued commitment to the Platform. The urgency remains for this Platform to become a reality on the ground to not only aid local communities and indigenous peoples in addressing and responding to climate change but to contribute to the collective global effort of mitigating and adapting to climate change. The work of the Platform will now continue with sights set on COP 24 in Poland.


For updates and further information on the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform please go to the UNFCCC website here  and to view the draft decision go here.


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Article Date: 7/9/2018

Created at 6/20/2018 6:20 PM by Kati Leipold
Last modified at 7/23/2021 9:22 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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