Pages: FPF9

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Title: Outcomes of the 9th Focal Point Forum
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NAP Summary: The ninth Focal Point Forum was successfully held on 30th November in Paris, France, in conjunction with COP 21
NAP Description: The ninth Focal Point Forum was successfully held on 30th November in Paris, France, in conjunction with COP 21.
Page Content: The ninth Focal Point Forum was successfully held on 30th November in Paris, France, in conjunction with COP 21. Through a rich and interactive exchange among over 70 participants from both Party representatives and NWP partner organizations, the forum focused on effective ways of facilitating learning on adaptation that can be promoted through the NWP in its function as a knowledge hub on adaptation.   A review group constituting members of the Adaptation Committee (AC), the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG), and thematic experts from NWP partner organizations, undertook the preparatory exercise in reviewing and selecting the case studies for presentation at the Forum. Five case studies were selected out of 170 case studies contributed by the Parties and the NWP partner organizations, in response to the invitation by the secretariat, on good practices and lessons learned addressing the four issues of ecosystems, human settlements, water resources and health; and processes and structures for linking national and local adaptation planning. These five case studies with strong evidence of good practice were selected to provide contextual inputs for the discussion at the Forum. The secretariat, under the guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA, will follow up on the outcomes of the Forum in collaboration with interested Parties and relevant NWP partners, including developing effective and concrete ways to document and disseminate knowledge under the NWP in 2016 and beyond, including based on the case studies contributed by Parties and partner organizations under the NWP in 2015. Check out the 9th FPF webpage for summary of discussions and related resources. Below is a summary of the five selected case studies: 1. Nepal Climate Change Support Programme (NCCSP) This case study demonstrated a strong evidence of replicability (i.e.  implementation of Local Adaptation Plan for Action (LAPA) in 14 districts through engagement of local people in identification, prioritization, implementation and monitoring & evaluation of demand/need-based adaptation actions; the presence of strong tracking system provides good prospect for rolling out at the national level); and measurability. See the video here. 2. Sustainable resettlement and reconstruction in flood-prone-peri-urban areas in Saint Louis (Senegal) The case study demonstrated a strong evidence of effectiveness (i.e. various dimensions were taken into account and through a step-wise approach to ensure the thoroughness of all aspects of impact of climate change involving identification of a proper resettlement site to build low-cost houses for the relocation; an assessment of the willingness and capacity to pay for the new houses to be received, and a socio-economic analysis on the impact of the resettlement, including livelihood aspects; identification of a resettlement site; a political will by the national government to support the project) and sustainability (i.e. UN-Habitat signed a MoU with the Mayor to transfer the responsibility for the management and administration of 68 completed houses to the Municipality of Saint Louis; Master builders were brought from Guatemala to Saint Louis for a few months to form local master builders and specialised workers, which helped develop local skills; the project partners sought to help diversify their economic opportunities by establishing a small industrial facility at the project site and provided hands-on training to around 100 residents on producing prefabricated housing modules, which have been carefully adapted to the local context). See the presentation here. 3. Piloting climate change adaptation to protect human health in China The case study demonstrated a strong evidence of measurability (i.e. the project designed a full monitoring and evaluation framework, involved monitoring of the number of people accessing the proposed health prevention measures, measurement of total number of cerebro-cardiovascular events and tracking of the number of heat stress events). See the video here. 4. Water and climate change adaptation in the Danube River basin, central and eastern Europe The case study demonstrated a strong evidence of effectiveness (i.e. the case study demonstrated tangible results in enhancing adaptation and resilience in a complex transboundary context and at large scale) and efficiency by effectively bridging local scale community and high level political support. 5. Ecosystem-based Adaptation Study in Lami Town, Fiji The case study demonstrated a strong evidence of replicability (i.e. comparison of cost-benefit analysis considering ecosystem-based adaptation, hybrid approaches and engineering options was conducted; general approach applied to this specific context could be applied elsewhere). See the presentation here.
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Article Date: 1/5/2016

Created at 12/15/2015 3:15 PM by Petya Pishmisheva
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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