Pages: Adaptation-Knowledge-Portal

Name: Adaptation-Knowledge-Portal.aspx
Title: Find out more about the Adaptation Knowledge Portal
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Contact: Chad Tudenggongbu
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NAP Summary: A gateway to connect, contribute and collaborate on climate change adaptation actions
NAP Description: A gateway to connect, contribute and collaborate on climate change adaptation actions
Page Content: The Adaptation Knowledge Portal under the Nairobi work programme is a gateway to share, exchange and acquire knowledge about climate change adaptation actions.

The portal presents the latest information on climate change adaptation in a variety of user-friendly formats such as case studies, technical documents and online tools.

With more than 350 partner organizations, the portal functions as an effective platform for fostering collaborative partnership on adaptation actions, and an open knowledge hub for enhancing resilience to climate change.

Check out the video below, and make yourself familiar with the portal and adaptation tools and resources available for you.

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Adaptation sector/theme:
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Article Date: 3/28/2018

Created at 1/29/2018 2:41 PM by Chad Tudenggongbu
Last modified at 7/23/2021 9:22 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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