Title: Call for submissions on enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of the Nairobi work programme
Comments: Parties, NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations are invited to contribute their submissions by 30 March 2018.
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Contact: Chad Tudenggongbu
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NAP Summary: Parties, NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations are invited to submit their views on improving the relevance and effectiveness of the NWP to help inform the NWP review at SBSTA 48 (April - May 2018).
NAP Description: Parties, NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations are invited to contribute their submissions by 30 March 2018.
Page Content: What is the deadline for the submission?In response to the request of the Parties, the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) at its 47th session extended the deadline for the submission of views on further improving the relevance and effectiveness of the Nairobi work programme (NWP) from the original deadline 12 January 2018 to 30 March 2018.What elements should be considered in the submission?The SBSTA invited Parties, NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations to submit their views on areas including:How to enhance the engagement of partner organizations with the aim of improving the linkages of their workplans to the themes addressed under the NWP;
How to ensure that the NWP has delivered on its mandate, on the basis of Parties’ submissions and experience;
How to enhance the role of the NWP to be more relevant to the work of the AC and the LEG as well as other constituted bodies and relevant workstreams in the light of the Paris Agreement.
How to make a submission now?Please keep your submissions concise and focus on the areas mentioned above and provide any additional information on ways to improve the relevance and effectiveness of the NWP.Please use this template to complete your submission. This will help facilitate our processing of your submission.Parties are invited to submit information online, and organizations should send their submissions as one Word document to and NWP looks forward to improving its engagement and delivery of its mandate as a result of this process.
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Article Date: 2/14/2019

Created at 12/18/2017 1:57 PM by Chad Tudenggongbu
Last modified at 7/23/2021 9:22 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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