Pages: NWP-presentations

Name: NWP-presentations.aspx
Title: New presentations on the NWP now available
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NAP Summary: An overview of the NWP and the technical work carried out so far
NAP Description: An overview of the NWP and the technical work carried out so far
Page Content: The two presentations aim to provide a clear, simple, and visual overview of the Nairobi work programme and the technical work carried out so far.
The first presentation, ‘Overview of the Nairobi work programme’ outlines the objective of the NWP, evolution of the adaptation landscape under the UNFCCC, and the operating context and role of the NWP. Readers are then presented with an infographic detailing how the NWP functions as an adaptation knowledge hub under the Convention.
  The second presentation, ‘An overview of the technical work carried out under the Nairobi work programme (NWP)’ first highlights how key actors engage and collaborate with the NWP to carry out technical work. The presentation then details how the work and thematic focus of the NWP has evolved over time, and provides links to all of the technical work conducted under the NWP, including documents, databases, brochures, leaflets, and booklets.
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Article Date: 11/30/2015

Created at 11/24/2015 5:37 PM by Petya Pishmisheva
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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