Pages: Launch-of-the-new-NWP-Portal-

Name: Launch-of-the-new-NWP-Portal-.aspx
Title: Launch of the Adaptation Knowledge Portal
Scheduling Start Date:
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NAP Summary: With a user-friendly interface and wide ranging functionalities, the Adaptation Knowledge Portal provides easy access to information on climate change adaptation
NAP Description: With a user-friendly interface and wide ranging functionalities, the Adaptation Knowledge Portal provides easy access to information on climate change adaptation
Page Content: The launch of the Adaptation Knowledge Portal comes after a year-long effort in creating an online platform where users have easy access to information and knowledge - the ones that have been generated under the NWP since its inception in 2005 and with inputs and contributions made by NWP partners, and under other adaptation workstreams under the Convention. The design of the portal is guided by the goal for the portal to enable comprehensive and targeted queries on information that is relevant to user needs. The portal integrates databases, case studies and tools, knowledge resources that are previously hosted under the NWP web pages, with the newest inputs under these categories of resources.
The portal also serves as an engagement and collaboration platform for Parties and NWP partner organizations, through online submission of activity updates, knowledge resources, focused discussions and output-oriented collaborative activities.    The news section provides up-to-date information on adaptation-related activities under the UNFCCC process.

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Adaptation sector/theme:
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Article Date: 11/30/2015

Created at 11/23/2015 10:29 AM by Roberto Felix
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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