Pages: Call-for-submission-HS

Name: Call-for-submission-HS.aspx
Title: Call for submissions on human settlements and adaptation
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NAP Summary: Find out how you can contribute.
NAP Description: Parties, NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations are invited to contribute their submissions by 20 September 2017.
Page Content: In response to the invitation of the Subsidiary Body for
Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) at its 44th session,
the NWP has opened a call for submissions in the area of human settlements and adaptation. The submissions will inform the 11th Focal Point Forum organized on 8 November 2017, during COP 23, as well as a synthesis report that will be considered during the international climate negotiations to be held in May 2018.
What is this "call for submissions" ?

Submissions are documents gathering information that is based
on recent activities and research, and could include good practices,
lessons learned, as well as available tools and methods. Regarding human settlements, Parties, NWP partners, and other relevant organizations (including universities, research centres, NGOs, private companies and/or local governemnts) are invited to make submissions before 20 September 2017. Information on the following focus areas is particularly welcome:

assessing sensitivity and vulnerability to climate change;
integrating both short-term and long-term climate considerations (including both extreme and slow onset events) into planning;
the role of national governments in supporting adaptation at the local level;
city to city partnerships on climate change;
cross-cutting issues and linkages to the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans (NAPs).
also highlighted that those making submissions should bear in mind the
unique challenges and scale differences in urban, rural and remote
settlements, in particular in small island developing States and least developed countries. How can my organization/entity make a submission ? Submissions are preferably concise Word documents that provide evidence-based information. For each focus area addressed in the submission, Parties and organizations are invited to provide the following information: Description of relevant activities
Key results
Description of lessons learned and good practices
Description of key challenges
Planned next steps (as appropriate)
Relevant hyperlinks for further information
For more information, please download the following submission template in English Spanish and French. Parties are invited to submit information online while organizations should send their submissions as one Word document to and How can my organization/entity further support resilience through knowledge ? 
  If you are part of an organization working on human settlements, please do not hesitate to
share your resources in terms of case studies,  tools and methods as
well as knowledge resources on the dedicated pages. You are also welcome
to send us news about upcoming publications or events at, which we will feature in our regional pages. If
you wish to learn more about adaptation/resilience and human
settlements, a list of NWP partner
organizations and other relevant organizations working on adaptation for human settlements, action pledges, case studies, tools and methods, as well as well as knowledge resources can be browsed through our advanced search page.
Page Image:
Adaptation sector/theme:
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Adaptation Element:
Climate Hazard:
Article Date: 8/21/2017

Created at 8/21/2017 12:01 PM by Laureline Krichewsky
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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