Pages: ecosystems-side-event-2

Name: ecosystems-side-event-2.aspx
Title: Upcoming side-event on ecosystems and ecosystem-based adaptation
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NAP Summary: Learn more about the side event
NAP Description: Co-organized with the LEG and FEBA, the side-event
Ecosystems & ecosystem-based adaptation: Advancing action through knowledge will be held during the Bonn climate change negotiations, on 15 May 2017.
Page Content: Description Healthy ecosystems play an essential role in helping people to adapt to climate change. They also increase resilience to climate change by: providing water, food, fuel and fiber; promoting soil formation and nutrient cycling; and providing recreational and spiritual services. Climate change, however, affects ecosystem functions, their ability to regulate water flows and cycle nutrients, and the essential foundation that they provide for peoples’ well-being and livelihoods. In context of NAPs, it is crucial to design adaptation options that strengthen the resilience of ecosystems, and to facilitate the integration of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) approaches in national development plans. The synthesis paper on ecosystems and EbA prepared under the NWP in collaboration with NWP partners, in particular, members of Friends of EbA (FEBA) highlights the importance of building climate resilience of ecosystems and design adaptation options that strengthen the resilience of ecosystems. This Nairobi work programme (NWP) side event is jointly organized with the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) and members of FEBA. The side event will focus on two topics: (a) building climate resilience of ecosystems; and (b) facilitating the integration of ecosystem-based adaptation approaches in national development plans. The side event will build on the findings of the synthesis paper. In relation to the two topics, the side event will aim to cover following aspects: •    Highlight developing countries’ priorities in terms of technical support in context of NAPs; •    Showcase inspiring actions; •    Discuss challenges and opportunities for providing technical support to developing countries, in particular the LDCs, in   formulating and implementing NAPs. Agenda Chair: Carlos Fuller, the Chair
of the SBSTA
Facilitator: Musonda Mumba, Programme Officer, Ecosystem-based Adaptation Flagship Programme Coordinator, Climate Change Adaptation Unit, Ecosystems Division, United Nations Environment Programme


Opening remarks:

Carlos Fuller, the
Chair of the SBSTA
Abias Huongo, the Chair of
the LEG 

Framing presentations: Ali Raza Rizvi, Programme Manager, Ecosystem Based Adaptation, Global Ecosystem Management Programme. IUCN/FEBA secretariat. Presentation of key messages from the synthesis paper prepared under the NWP.
Angela Andrade, Chair, Commission on Ecosystem Management. Ecosystem services, building climate resilience of ecosystems, and ecosystem based adaptation.
Abias Huongo, the Chair of the LEG. Priorities in terms of technical support for developing countries in context of NAPs.
Showcasing inspiring actions:
Ronald Jean Jumeau, Ambassador of the Republic of Seychelles to the United Nations. Seychelles debt restructuring for marine conservation and climate adaptation.
Paul Mafabi, Director Environment Affairs, Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda. Enhancing resilience of mountain ecosystems in Uganda.
Ninel Escobar Montecinos, Climate Change
Adaptation Coordinator, WWF Mexico. Implementation of Integrated System of Water Reserves in Mexico as a
National Early Adaptation Strategy. 

Dialogue with participants - inspiring actions, challenges and opportunities for action in providing technical support to developing countries, in particular the LDCs
  Practical Information The side event will take place from 13:15 to 14:45, on Monday 15 May 2017, Room Bonn (181), at the World Conference Centre, in Bonn (Germany). The side event will also be webcast via: For more information, contact:
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Article Date: 5/15/2017

Created at 5/1/2017 1:44 PM by Laureline Krichewsky
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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