Pages: Collaboration-U-Mich

Name: Collaboration-U-Mich.aspx
Title: Partnering with students from the University of Michigan during COP22
Comments: Learn about the collaboration between the NWP and the University of Michigan
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NAP Summary: Learn about a new form of collaboration
NAP Description: During COP22, a group of 10 students supervised by Professor Avik Basu from the University of Michigan supported various events organized by the Adaptation Programme of the UNFCCC secretariat.
Page Content: The collaboration with the University of Michigan, an observer organization of the climate negotiation process and a new NWP partner organization, brought multiple benefits to both the students' delegation and the Adaptation Programme. 

The group of students, represented by Ms. Sachiko Graber, a former intern with the UNFCCC secretariat, provided valuable support in the form of note-taking, video interview recording and social media outreach to various events organized by the Adaptation Programme, and in particular by the Nairobi work programme of the UNFCCC secretariat.

In the process, students gained a better understanding of the climate negotiations and were given the opportunity to interact with various country delegates, health experts and other adaptation stakeholders. In the students' own words:

"Attending the COP, I was wonderfully surprised by all of the attention that health issues were getting. Food security, agriculture, and water related disease burdens were all being addressed by industry and agencies at the event." -Ojaswi Adhikari, SPH, MPH candidate"

"Working with the NWP at COP22 was a great experience. I appreciated the opportunity to attend events, meet delegates/stakeholders, and contribute work that I wouldn't have otherwise without this connection. I thought the Focal Pointe Forum was the best session I attended at COP; I am so thankful that the NWP included us!”  - Ember McCoy, MS candidate 2017, Natural Resources & Environment

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Article Date: 12/12/2016

Created at 12/11/2016 8:47 PM by Laureline Krichewsky
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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