Pages: Case-studies-on-adaptation-planning-processes

Name: Case-studies-on-adaptation-planning-processes.aspx
Title: Case studies on adaptation planning processes
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NAP Summary: Addressing ecosystems, water resources, health and human settlements, and the linking of national and local adaptation planning
NAP Description: Addressing ecosystems, water resources, health and human settlements, and the linking of national and local adaptation planning
Page Content: In response to a request by the SBSTA, Parties and NWP partner organizations contributed 170 case studies on adaptation planning processes addressing the areas of ecosystems, human settlements, water resources, and health, as well as processes and structures for linking national and local adaptation planning.    Each case study provides information on the adaptation activity, including background information and expected results, the thematic areas of work and the climate impacts addressed, a brief description of the activities undertaken, key outcomes; good practices and lessons learned, additional resources and links and more.   All case studies are available on the portal and can be searched by keywords related to the following aspects of the case studies: region, theme, climate hazard, and scope.   A synthesis report highlighting the good practices and lessons learned from these case studies is available here.
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Article Date: 11/30/2015

Created at 11/23/2015 10:29 AM by Roberto Felix
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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