Pages: IPP-call-for-submission

Name: IPP-call-for-submission.aspx
Title: Call for submissions on the local communities and indigenous peoples' platform
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NAP Summary: Find out how you can contribute
NAP Description: Parties and relevant organizations are invited to submit their views on the purpose, content and structure of the platform by 31 March 2017.
Page Content: The COP agreed to adopt an incremental approach to developing the local communities and indigenous peoples platform, referred to in decision 1/CP.21 paragraph 135, with a view to ensuring its effective operationalization. In this regard, Parties and relevant organizations are invited to submit their views on the purpose, content and structure of the platform by 31 March 2017.


Parties are welcome to post their submission on the UNFCCC website. Organizations are invited to send their submissions to The call for submission is also available on the UNFCCC website


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Article Date: 3/10/2017

Created at 12/9/2016 2:32 PM by Alessia Vittorangeli
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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