Pages: strengthening-FP-collaboration

Name: strengthening-FP-collaboration.aspx
Title: Strengthening the engagement of UNFCCC national focal points
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NAP Summary: Learn about new actions under the NWP
NAP Description: A series of actions have been identified to increase the participation of UNFCCC national focal points in meetings, workshops and other relevant activities under the NWP.
Page Content:  

SBSTA44 concluded that actions should be undertaken to enhance the participation of UNFCCC national focal points in relevant activities under the NWP, and their role in disseminating knowledge outputs under the NWP. Based on a survey carried out in September 2016, a number of actions have been proposed in the NWP progress report for SBSTA45.


In order to increase the participation of UNFCCC national focal points in meetings, workshops and other relevant activities under the NWP, those actions include:

Communicating early and using simple and visual means of communication (including through social media) to share information on events organized under the NWP;
In future events, ensuring a balance of presentations on latest scientific findings and on the ground experiences, as well as increasing participation from local governments and municipalities, financial institutions, and private sector;
In order to better respond to regionally differentiated needs and interest in terms of thematic areas and adaptation planning and implementation issues, the opportunity of organizing theme/topic-specific events (including in support of the NAP process) at the regional level will be explored with interested Parties and NWP partner organizations.


In order to enhance the dissemination of knowledge outputs generated under the NWP to countries, including through the Adaptation Knowledge Portal, via UNFCCC national focal points, the proposed actions include:

Sending a short presentation email to UNFCCC national focal points for the release of each knowledge product, indicating possible target audience;
Sharing such information on the Adaptation Knowledge Portal and on social media in parallel;
Developing more theme-specific and audience-specific knowledge products, so as to provide the adequate level of information to various target audiences;
Regarding the possible translation of knowledge products, the secretariat will investigate opportunities for collaboration with NWP partner organizations, including regional centres and networks.

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Article Date: 12/9/2016

Created at 12/9/2016 2:15 PM by Alessia Vittorangeli
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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