Pages: NWP-to-organize-a-forum-on-Health-and-Adaptation-during-COP-22--draft-

Name: NWP-to-organize-a-forum-on-Health-and-Adaptation-during-COP-22--draft-.aspx
Title: 10th Focal Point Forum on health and adaptation at COP 22
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NAP Summary: Learn more about the forum
NAP Description: During COP 22 in Marrakech (Morocco), country delegates, NWP partner organizations’ representatives and health experts discussed emerging challenges and opportunities in responding to climate impacts on human health.
Page Content: On November 9, 2016, over 150 country delegates, health experts and other NWP partner organizations' representatives participated in the 10th Focal Point Forum of the NWP, held under the overall guidance of the Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technoclogical Advice (SBSTA). Participants discussed the results of the submissions on climate impacts on human health, which provided information on recent projects, programmes and other activities, including research, on the following topics:
Changes in the geographical distribution of diseases;
New and emerging diseases including tropical diseases and their impacts on social and economic structures;
Issues of malnutrition, waterborne diseases, vector-bone diseases and disaster impacts;
Effects of climate change on health and productivity in the workplace, with implications for occupational health, safety and social protection.

Both Parties and non-Party stakeholders contributed a large number of submissions, which you can access here and there.

An overview of the main results of the
submissions is available here.


During the forum, Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, a keynote
speaker from World Health Organization (WHO), provided an overview of the
interlinkages between climate change and health, and of ongoing actions globally in
response to the challenges. Tiffany Hodgson, UNFCCC Secretariat, provided an
overview of the submissions made by Parties, NWP partners and other relevant organizations on
this topic. Through a constructive and innovative dialogue moderated by Pablo
Suarez, Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre, participants gained a shared
understanding of the activities that are undertaken in response to the current
and predicted impacts of climate change on health; and discussed innovative
actions that could be undertaken in addressing the key challenges in the area of
climate impacts on human health in relation to various topics. 



Following the forum, a synthesis paper, based on the
information provided in the submissions and discussion held during the 10th
Focal Point Forum, will be prepared by the secretariat in consultation with
Focal Point Forum participants for consideration at SBSTA 46 (May 2017).


Please find the agenda of the forum below:







Mr. Carlos Fuller, Chair of the SBSTA


Setting the stage
:  Purpose and direction for the Forum






Dr. Pablo Suarez, Associate Director
for Research and Innovation, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre (facilitator)




Keynote address


Dr. Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, 
Team Leader, Climate Change and Health, World Health Organization




Key results from the submissions


Ms. Tiffany Hodgson, Programme
Officer, UNFCCC Secretariat


Refreshment break  (18:40–19:00)


Interactive dialogue
:  Knowledge to action






From your experience
in countries/cities/communities in the area of climate impacts on human
health, how are you responding to key challenges, such as (a) the
availability of and/or access to knowledge; (b) intersectoral coordination;
(c) transboundary collaborations; (d) any other barrier to adaptation action?


What are new actions
that could be undertaken to address key challenges in area of climate impacts
on human health?




of key points and next steps


Dr. Pablo Suarez,
Associate Director for Research and Innovation, Red Cross Red Crescent
Climate Centre (facilitator)






Mr. Carlos Fuller,
Chair of the SBSTA





Page Image:
Adaptation sector/theme:
Geographic Region:
Adaptation Element:
Climate Hazard:
Article Date: 12/7/2016

Created at 9/14/2016 5:33 PM by Tangina Mehnaz
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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