Pages: LAKI-methodology

Name: LAKI-methodology.aspx
Title: LAKI Methodology
Scheduling Start Date:
Scheduling End Date:
Contact: Laureline Krichewsky
Contact E-Mail Address:
Contact Name:
Contact Picture:
Target Audiences:
NWP Feature Header:
NWP Feature Title: Laki Methodology
Page Image:
NAP Description:
NAP Summary: Learn more about the UNEP-UNFCCC innovative approach to closing adaptation knowledge gaps
Page Content: For more information on the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative, please visit our main page here.          
Adaptation sector/theme:
Geographic Region:
Adaptation Element:
Climate Hazard:

Created at 8/31/2016 11:48 PM by Laureline Krichewsky
Last modified at 11/1/2018 2:03 PM by Laura Kavanaugh
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