Pages: Understanding-and-Closing-Adaptation-Knowledge-Gaps-in-Mountains-and-High-Latitude-Areas

Name: Understanding-and-Closing-Adaptation-Knowledge-Gaps-in-Mountains-and-High-Latitude-Areas.aspx
Title: Understanding and Closing Adaptation Knowledge Gaps in Mountains and High-Latitude Areas
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Contact: unfccc\trusau
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NAP Summary: The COP28 UN Climate Change Conference emphasized the crucial role of mountains, high-latitude areas, and the cryosphere in maintaining the planet’s ecological balance.
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Page Content: The COP28 UN Climate Change Conference emphasized the crucial role of mountains, high-latitude areas, and the cryosphere in maintaining the planet’s ecological balance, highlighting the urgent need for adaptation knowledge in these regions. During the Nairobi work programme (NWP) 16th Focal Point Forum held at COP28, challenges faced by these areas, such as observational gaps, assessing adaptation solutions, and the impact of environmental changes on communities, were discussed. In 2024, the NWP aims to lead interventions, utilizing its network of over 450 organizations to strengthen climate adaptation efforts. 

The work will focus on bridging significant knowledge gaps and fostering climate adaptation efforts, with an emphasis on evidence-based knowledge sharing, tailored solutions, and strategic partnerships. During the 16th Focal Point Forum at COP28, countries, partners and experts expressed their interest in collaborating with the NWP and outlined the areas that could be addressed going forward, as the work on mountains will be a priority under the NWP in 2024. 

Further details: Understanding and Closing Adaptation Knowledge Gaps in Mountains and High-Latitude Areas | UNFCCC  

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Adaptation sector/theme: Ecosystems; Biodiversity; Indigenous and traditional knowledge
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Adaptation Element: Adaptation planning and practices
Climate Hazard:
Article Date: 2/13/2024

Created at 2/12/2024 12:42 AM by unfccc\trusau
Last modified at 2/13/2024 10:26 AM by unfccc\trusau
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