Pages: Closing-Adaptation-Knowledge-Gaps-in-Asia-Pacific

Name: Closing-Adaptation-Knowledge-Gaps-in-Asia-Pacific.aspx
Title: Closing Adaptation Knowledge Gaps in Asia-Pacific
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Contact: unfccc\trusau
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NAP Summary: The UN Climate Change secretariat and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) collaborate through the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI) to close priority knowledge gaps in adaptation in subregions
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Page Content: The UN Climate Change secretariat and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) collaborate through the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI) to close priority knowledge gaps in adaptation in subregions. This partnership aims to fill adaptation knowledge gaps by uniting governments, NGOs, and experts. 


At the 2023 Asia-Pacific Climate Week, the UN Climate Change secretariat in partnership with UNEP and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) convened governments, experts and partners to discuss progress, share case studies and highlight concrete actions taken to bridge knowledge gaps in the Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) and Pacific Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) subregions. 


As highlighted during the 2023 Asia-Pacific Climate Week, efforts to merge traditional knowledge with modern climate services have spurred innovative solutions like the Vanuatu Climate Watch App, enhancing early warning systems.  


Projects in regions such as Vanuatu, Samoa, Nepal, and Bangladesh are pivotal in boosting climate resilience through the integration of traditional knowledge, agricultural adaptation, and forest management. These efforts underscore the critical role of local knowledge in forming adaptation strategies, advocating for strategic partnerships, and promoting context-specific, locally led solutions for sustainable adaptation. This also emphasizes the critical role of collaborative efforts in enhancing adaptation planning and execution in vulnerable regions, setting a foundation for expanding the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI) into additional subregions.  


Building on the successes and lessons learned in Asia-Pacific, the UN Climate Change secretariat and UNEP are planning to scale up the LAKI in other subregions. 


Read full article here: Closing Adaptation Knowledge Gaps in Asia-Pacific | UNFCCC 

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Adaptation sector/theme: Agriculture; Food security; Biodiversity; Coastal areas/zones; Indigenous and traditional knowledge
Geographic Region: Asia; Pacific/Oceania
Adaptation Element: Adaptation planning and practices; Communication and outreach/awareness; Stakeholder involvement; Technology support; Vulnerability assessment
Climate Hazard: Loss of biodiversity; Sea level rise; Tropical cyclones/typhoons
Article Date: 2/12/2024

Created at 2/12/2024 12:25 AM by unfccc\trusau
Last modified at 2/13/2024 10:28 AM by unfccc\trusau
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