Pages: The-NWP-at-the-UN-2023-Water-Conference

Name: The-NWP-at-the-UN-2023-Water-Conference.aspx
Title: The NWP at the UN 2023 Water Conference
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Contact: Stefan Dierks
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NAP Summary: New action pledge coordinated by UNFCCC under its Nairobi Work Programme Knowledge-to-action hub for climate change adaptation and resilience
NAP Description: New action pledge coordinated by UNFCCC under its Nairobi Work Programme Knowledge-to-action hub for climate change adaptation and resilience
Page Content: The UN 2023 Water Conference was held
from 22 to 24 March in New York with participants making commitments to tackle
the global water crisis. It confirmed that water issues truly unite the world,
as a determined global community came together to make a difference not only
for the future of water but for the future of the world.


to the recent Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, globally
around 3.6 billion people live in contexts that are highly vulnerable to climate
change. Climate change has caused substantial damages and increasingly
irreversible losses to freshwater ecosystems as well as increases in heavy
precipitation, floods and droughts.


Continued global warming will further intensify impacts on the global
water cycle. Every region in the world faces further increases in climate
extremes and multiple risks such as flooding, biodiversity loss in land,
freshwater and ocean ecosystems with a decrease in food production in some


A whole system approach is urgently needed that cuts across
disciplines to address water-climate-related risks in an integrated manner.
Even though significant advances in Earth observation and data management have
provided opportunities in modeling for water-related risk assessment, the
challenges of transforming these solutions at the operational level prevail.


Investing in protection and expansion of natural
environments has the potential to provide both mitigation and adaptation
solutions to the climate emergency. In order to use this potential, water has
to be seen as an asset class, not just a resource. To make this happen,
the Green Climate Fund for example is working on a
co-financing platform, which enables catalytic water-climate related financing
needed for public and private sector investment.


Knowledge to action


At a side eventco-organized by the UNFCCC secretariat, the Green Climate Fund and the WorldMeteorological Organization, the UNFCCC
executive secretary Simon Stiell elaborated on an action pledge coordinated by
UNFCCC under its Nairobi Work Programme on impacts, vulnerability and
adaptation. The Pledge hinges on 3 major pillars: Knowledge, Innovation, and
Action, with the aim of building new types of partnerships to bridge knowledge
gaps and collectively accelerate water-climate adaptation action. By harnessing
diverse knowledge systems, the pledge looks to ensure “that no adaptation
action focused on water is hindered by a lack of knowledge.”


read more about the UNFCCC engagement in the UN 2023 Water Conference, see
this UNFCCC Newsroom Article



Photo credit: Jake Allison - Unsplash

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Adaptation sector/theme: Water resources; Adaptation finance
Geographic Region:
Adaptation Element:
Climate Hazard:
Article Date: 4/24/2023

Created at 4/24/2023 1:41 PM by Stefan Dierks
Last modified at 4/24/2023 1:48 PM by Stefan Dierks
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