Pages: The-April-2023-NWP-Bulletin-is-out!

Name: The-April-2023-NWP-Bulletin-is-out!.aspx
Title: The April 2023 NWP Bulletin is out!
Scheduling Start Date:
Scheduling End Date:
Contact: Stefan Dierks
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Target Audiences:
NAP Summary: It provides an overview of recent activities and engagement opportunities with the NWP, its partners and UNFCCC constituted bodies
NAP Description: It provides an overview of recent activities and engagement opportunities with the NWP, its partners and UNFCCC constituted bodies
Page Content: The April 2023 issue of the Bulletin of the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) Knowledge-to-action hub for climate change adaptation and resilience is out! This issue features
highlights of NWP at COP 27, showcasing progress in the NWPs activities and
engagement including on theUN Climate Change and UniversitiesPartnership Programme,
Lima Adaptation KnowledgeInitiative (LAKI)
Thematic work on Agriculture andFood Security.


it provides engagement opportunities with the NWP, UNFCCC constituted bodies
and work programmes, as well as updates on concrete adaptation action from NWP
partners on the ground.


Find the Bulletin here!


NWP offers an inclusive hub to engage, deliver and broker knowledge and provide
action for climate change adaptation and resilience. Get involved!



you would like to highlight an adaptation initiative in the next Bulletin,
please get in touch with us:  and @AdaptXChange.

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Adaptation sector/theme:
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Adaptation Element:
Climate Hazard:
Article Date: 4/20/2023

Created at 4/20/2023 8:48 AM by Stefan Dierks
Last modified at 4/20/2023 8:52 AM by Stefan Dierks
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