Pages: Agriculture-2nd-Expert-Group-Meeting

Name: Agriculture-2nd-Expert-Group-Meeting.aspx
Title: Developing action plans to enhance resilience of the agriculture and food security sectors
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Contact: Stefan Dierks
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NAP Summary: Second meeting of the NWP expert group on agriculture and food security
NAP Description: Second meeting of the NWP expert group on agriculture and food security
Page Content: In March 2023, the Nairobi work programme (NWP) expert group
on agriculture and food security convened virtually for its second meeting to refine
a scoping paper, share best practices, and co-design draft collaborative action
plans. The meeting was built on the outcomes of the first expert group meeting
and the 15th Focal Point Forum on agriculture and food security,
which fostered dialogue and knowledge-sharing to identify knowledge gaps and
best practices with a deep analysis of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and Nationally
Determined Contributions (NDCs).


Potential avenues and innovative approaches for
collaboration were presented by the secretariat representatives supporting
constituted bodies and relevant work programmes, including Adaptation Committee
(AC), Technology Executive Committee (TEC), Least Developed Countries Expert Group
(LEG), Facilitative Working Group (FWG) of the Local Communities and Indigenous
Peoples Platform (LCIPP), Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB) as well
as Climate Resilient Food System (CRFS) alliance and UN Climate Change
University Partnership Programme (UPP).


Through an interactive discussion, draft action plans were discussed
amongst the group and with relevant constituted bodies and work programmes. Potential
collaboration areas raised included knowledge and data, governance, and means
of implementation (capacity building, finance, technology).


Moving forward, the secretariat will work with the NWP thematic
expert group on agriculture and food security to build concrete collaboration
action plans to respond to knowledge gaps and upscale adaptation action and
develop knowledge products to support Parties.
Learn more about the work of the NWP Expert Group on Agriculture here.

Page Image:
Adaptation sector/theme: Agriculture; Food security
Geographic Region:
Adaptation Element:
Climate Hazard:
Article Date: 4/6/2023

Created at 4/6/2023 9:26 AM by Stefan Dierks
Last modified at 4/6/2023 9:32 AM by Stefan Dierks
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