Pages: Expert-Group-Meeting-Agriculture

Name: Expert-Group-Meeting-Agriculture.aspx
Title: Building collaborations to close knowledge gaps on agriculture and food security
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Contact: Stefan Dierks
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NAP Summary: First meeting of the NWP expert group on agriculture and food security
NAP Description: First meeting of the NWP expert group on agriculture and food security
Page Content:

Climate change brings a lot of risks
to agriculture, including socio-economic impacts on livelihoods, food security
and nutrition. Many countries have already included aspects of agriculture and
food security in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). This showcases
the critical
importance of agriculture and food security in national adaptation priorities, as part of the
collaborative efforts to meet the Paris Agreement goals.



In response to the critical
importance of adapting the agricultural and food security systems to climate
change, the Nairobi work programme (NWP), UNFCCC knowledge-to-action hub on
adaptation and resilience, is collaborating with agriculture and food security experts
from across the world to support regional and country efforts to scale up adaptation



NWP expert group members on
agriculture and food security



The NWP expert group consists of thirty
international experts including UN agencies, INGOs, Results for Development (R4D)
organizations, development agencies, global and regional networks, development
banks and academia.



During the first expert group meeting on
agriculture and food security in September 2022, the group had substantive and rich
exchanges on good
practices that strengthen adaptation for agriculture and food security. Shared examples included building capacity of local experts,
upscaling of climate smart agriculture, what good governance structures look
like and financial initiatives, which respect traditional knowledge and diversity.
UNFCCC Constituted Bodies also highlighted potential areas for synergies to strengthen countries’
adaptation responses.




Road map for 2023




The NWP will work with this
thematic expert group to build on existing evidence and initiatives and respond
to critical knowledge gaps that hinder the scaling up of adaptation action. These
collaborative efforts between national, regional, and international experts will boost the
exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices to strengthen resilience of agriculture and food
security systems.


A scoping paper will also be produced
to address knowledge gaps and good practices in integrating agriculture and
food security into adaptation strategies. By equipping countries with adaptation knowledge,
policymakers can make more
contextually-informed decisions in response to climate change impacts.




More information


15th Focal
Point Forum of the Nairobi work programme: Enhancing transformative adaptation onagriculture and food security will be held on 11 November  from 18:00-20:00 at the Sharm
el-Sheikh international convention conference center (blue zone). This
event will provide an interactive space for dialogue and knowledge-sharing
among Parties, UNFCCC national focal points, thematic expert groups and NWP
partners. To learn more and RSVP if youare registered for COP 27, visit: website.


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Adaptation sector/theme:
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Article Date: 11/1/2022

Created at 11/1/2022 10:16 AM by Stefan Dierks
Last modified at 2/17/2023 4:00 PM by Stefan Dierks
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