Pages: NWP-side-event-at-SB56

Name: NWP-side-event-at-SB56.aspx
Title: Evidence of enhancing adaptation action through knowledge: Nairobi work programme event
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Contact: Stefan Dierks
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NAP Summary: The Nairobi work programme (NWP) side event at the midyear climate change talks provided insights about concrete actions and long-term engagement with Parties, NWP partners and constituted bodies that fill knowledge gaps identified by Parties.
NAP Description: The Nairobi work programme (NWP) side event at the midyear climate change talks provided insights about concrete actions and long-term engagement with Parties, NWP partners and constituted bodies that fill knowledge gaps identified by Parties.
Page Content: To scale up adaptation action and achieve the objectives of the Convention and the Paris Agreement, countries need access to practical, actionable knowledge. As the UNFCCC’s first stakeholder mechanism, the NWP, UNFCCC knowledge-to-action hub on adaptation and resilience, is working with over 450 partners to co-produce and provide specific, actionable knowledge targeted to those who implement adaptation action in countries.
The side event brought together Parties, NWP partners, constituted bodies and knowledge users to discuss and feed into the NWP's review process.
The event was framed by high level opening remarks by the SBSTA Chair and the Deputy Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC. Four experts showcased concrete examples of outcomes in partnership with the NWP.
Kenel Delusca, Chair of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group
 “The engagement with the LEG on knowledge relevant to vulnerable groups, communities, and ecosystems has enhanced knowledge about practical steps countries can take to use indicators and metrics, including those at the regional and global level, to support national efforts in assessing the progress of adaptation.”
Sakhile Koketso of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
“CBD joined the NWP thematic group on biodiversity, which prepared amongst others two products that are relevant not only for the CBD Secretariat but for the convention as a whole.”
 Alvin Chandra of United Nations Environment Programme
“One of the key functions of the NWP is supporting the implementation of adaptation actions by providing knowledge and also engaging other stakeholders. What these [Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative] workshops and partnerships have done is to open the doors for non-state actors to actually work on adaptation action and non-state in terms of identifying, linking, and addressing knowledge gaps in the region”
Beatriz Machado Granziera of the Nature Conservancy
“A concrete example of the ocean expert group’s work in responding to the Parties needs includes a NAP supplement . . . with inputs from the GCF and the LEG. This supplement focused on very concrete considerations Parties should take when developing proposals for the green climate fund on NbS and coastal adaptation. It addresses directly the fact that enhancing finance is critically relevant in the context of implementing the Paris Agreement.”
The interactive discussion with the audience - moderated by Julio Cordano of Chile - centred around how the NWP has enhanced adaptation action through knowledge, supported the implementation of the Paris Agreement, and  lessons, gaps, opportunities, and challenges  associated with the operational and institutional modalities of the NWP.
Key takeaways from the event for the NWP include:
•    Enhance country/sub-region-specific actions that help understand and close knowledge gaps for target users in partnership with subregional partners/networks;
•    Provide relevant knowledge on specific adaptation practices and results that are responsive to needs of Parties; Connect and strengthen ties among communities of practice to help mobilize support, capacity building and technology transfer, as well as translate knowledge to inform actions in countries;
Learn more:
•    For further details on the ‘Enhancing adaptation through knowledge: Nairobi work programme event’, click here.
•    To engage with the Nairobi work programme, click here.
•    To find adaptation resources including case studies and tools, click here.

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Article Date: 7/6/2022

Created at 7/6/2022 9:19 AM by Stefan Dierks
Last modified at 7/6/2022 9:24 AM by Stefan Dierks
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