Pages: Increasing-Knowledge-about-Adaptation-in-the-MENA-Region

Name: Increasing-Knowledge-about-Adaptation-in-the-MENA-Region.aspx
Title: Increasing Knowledge about Adaptation in the MENA Region
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Contact: Stefan Dierks
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NAP Summary: During a LAKI event at MENA Climate Week, participants learned about the climate smart agriculture and nature-based solutions that are closing adaptation knowledge gaps.
NAP Description: During a LAKI event at MENA Climate Week, participants learned about the climate-smart agriculture and nature-based solutions that are closing adaptation knowledge gaps.
Page Content: Climate-smart agriculture and nature-based solutions, such as carbon sequestration through mangroves, are crucial means of dealing with the accelerating impacts of climate change - but people particularly in developing countries need more information and capacity to effectively take action.
This was the key conclusion of an expert meet
during the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Climate Week which took place
last month. The MENA region is one of the most affected by climate change impacts,
facing climatic challenges such as low rainfall, high temperatures and dry
soil. Climate change is expected to put significant strains on
already scarce water and agricultural resources. Responding to the knowledge
and resilience needs through tailored information for knowledge users is
crucial to implementing adaptation action in this region.


To read more about adaptation efforts and on LAKI in
the MENA region (GCC and NA subregions), see this UNFCCC Newsroom Article.
Image credit: Ravini / Pixabay

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Article Date: 5/10/2022

Created at 5/9/2022 10:15 AM by Stefan Dierks
Last modified at 5/9/2022 1:09 PM by Stefan Dierks
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