Pages: Sector-Ministers’-Meeting-on-water,-sanitation-and-hygiene-to-strengthen-connections-with-climate,-health,-economy

Name: Sector-Ministers’-Meeting-on-water,-sanitation-and-hygiene-to-strengthen-connections-with-climate,-health,-economy.aspx
Title: Sector Ministers’ Meeting on water, sanitation, and hygiene to strengthen connections with climate, health, and the economy
Scheduling Start Date: 3/24/2022 12:00 AM
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Contact: Brian Mayanja
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NAP Description: The annual Sector Ministers’ Meeting (SMM) on water, sanitation, and hygiene will convene government ministers to discuss joint solutions for climate change resiliency, pandemic prevention, and increased economic development.
NAP Summary:
Page Content: For the first time since its
inception, the annual Sector Ministers’ Meeting (SMM) on water, sanitation, and
hygiene will convene government ministers of environment, climate, health, and
economy to discuss joint solutions for climate change resilience, pandemic prevention,
and increased economic development. The SMM will be hosted by the Government of Indonesia and co-convened by
the Sanitationand Water for All (SWA) partnership and UNICEF in Jakarta, Indonesia from 18-19 May with a focus on
“Building Forward Better for Recovery and Resilience.”

“Over the past two years, COVID-19 has triggered an economic
crisis against the backdrop of a mounting climate emergency,” said
Catarina de Albuquerque, SWA’s CEO. “The triple climate, health, and economic crisis highlight the
crucial role of water, sanitation, and hygiene in building resilient
communities and achieving sustainable development, including meeting
environmental goals. We need strong partnerships across our sectors to improve
policy, as well as boosts to encourage innovation and efficiency.”


During the event, ministers of environment and climate will be
provided with opportunities to collaborate with water, sanitation, and hygiene
ministers to ensure that climate priorities are integrated into national
recovery plans. This meeting is to be preceded by a 6-month-long
preparatory process, composed of multi-stakeholder discussions at national and
regional levels. During these discussions, SWA partners will jointly analyze
national progress on water, sanitation, and hygiene, identify bottlenecks and
successes, and agree on joint action.


The outcomes of the meeting will be followed up through the national-level
processes and will contribute to the preparatory process of COP27 and the UN Conference on the Water Action Decade Conference in New
York from 22 to 24 March 2023, and the SWA 2023 Finance Ministers’ Meeting. 


For more information, visit:


About SWA:


SWA is the United Nations-hosted
global multi-stakeholder partnership of governments and their partners
from civil society, the private sector, United Nations agencies, research and
learning institutions, utilities and regulators, development banks, and the
donor community, for achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development
Goal 6 - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation
for all.


The mission of the SWA partnership is to eliminate
inequalities in realizing the human rights to water and sanitation – by raising
political will, ensuring good governance, and helping to optimize financing.
The partnership focuses on the hardest to reach and most vulnerable
individuals, communities, countries, and regions, and puts women and girls at
the center, not just as passive recipients, but as dynamic agents of change.
SWA works by harnessing the collective power of its partners, to support
government-led, multi-stakeholder action at national, regional, and global
levels. This includes work to integrate the climate and the water, sanitation,
and hygiene agendas.


SWA convenes regular High-level Meetings with sector ministers
and ministers of finance that are preceded by a 6-month-long preparatory
process. Ministries of the environment are welcomed to support the preparatory
process and to consider a delegation to attend the upcoming Sectors Ministers’
Meeting in May 2022.


For more information, visit:

Adaptation sector/theme:
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Adaptation Element:
Climate Hazard:

Created at 3/24/2022 7:45 AM by Brian Mayanja
Last modified at 3/25/2022 8:55 AM by Stefan Dierks
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