Pages: NWP Partners offer support during COP26

Name: NWP Partners offer support during COP26.aspx
Title: NWP Partners offer support during COP26
Comments: AKP News Article University of Michigan Students at COP26
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NAP Summary: Students from the University of Michigan provided support to COP26 events organized by the UNFCCC secretariat
NAP Description: Students from the University of Michigan provided support to COP26 events organized by the UNFCCC secretariat
Page Content: Graduate students from the University of Michigan
provided support
to UNFCCC events at COP26 in Glasgow. Through providing substantive support,
including note-taking and social media engagement, the graduate students had a
unique opportunity to understand the UNFCCC process
and international efforts towards adaptation to climate change.
The students supported the
organization of the 14th Focal Point Forum of the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) on biodiversity
and climate change adaptation, and two events organized by Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples
Platform (LCIPP), namely: multi-stakeholder in-session workshop and the annual gathering of knowledge holders. The events featured panel discussions and Q&A
sessions, which provided
useful insights through specific examples on how climate adaptation action is
being implemented, the current status, and challenges surrounding
engagement with indigenous peoples and local communities.

"Through my engagement in these events, I learned about how the UNFCCC
secretariat engages with organizations and governments. The panel discussions
provided me with insight into specific ways in which adaptation work is being
implemented and the current status and challenges surrounding engagement
with indigenous peoples and local communities
. I got the sense that much
of the work to be done is helping people talk across sectors and organizations,
so that synergies and lasting collaboration can be created, and that there is
still more to be done in this area
Ms. Emily Johnson, student of the University of Michigan


University of Michigan Partnership with NWP:



The University of Michigan is one of the 440+ NWP partners and has been collaborating with
the NWP since 2018 in the context of the UN Climate Change and Universities
Partnership Programme. Learn more about the University of Michigan delegates and their experience at COP 26 here.


Learn more about the UN Climate Change and
Universities Partnership Programme and the work of the NWP here.


Page Image:
Adaptation sector/theme: Biodiversity; Indigenous and traditional knowledge
Geographic Region: North America
Adaptation Element: Communication and outreach/awareness; Institutional arrangements; Stakeholder involvement
Climate Hazard:
Article Date: 3/9/2022

Created at 3/9/2022 1:58 PM by Brian Mayanja
Last modified at 3/10/2022 9:22 AM by Stefan Dierks
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